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对‘琯溪蜜柚’‘黄金蜜柚’‘红肉蜜柚’‘红绵蜜柚’‘三红蜜柚’果实成熟期果肉有机酸和矿质元素含量进行测定。结果表明:与‘琯溪蜜柚’相比,其4个芽变品种果肉柠檬酸含量降低,苹果酸含量普遍升高;4个芽变品种果肉Mg、Fe含量均高于‘琯溪蜜柚’,Zn含量均低于‘琯溪蜜柚’,K、P、Ca、Na含量因品种而异;4个芽变品种果肉Fe/Zn值均升高,K/P值变化因品种而异,其中3个果肉颜色有变异的品种(‘黄金蜜柚’‘红肉蜜柚’‘三红蜜柚’)Ca/Mg、Ca/Na、Mg/Na值普遍升高。 The contents of organic acids and mineral elements in the fruit of “Guanxi honey pomelo”, “Golden honey pomelo”, “Red meat pomelo”, “Red honey pomelo” and “Three red honey pomelo” were measured. The results showed that the citric acid content and the malic acid content of the four bud varieties were significantly lower than that of the ’Xiang River honey pomelo’. The contents of Mg and Fe in the four bud varieties were higher than that of ’ ’And Zn contents were all lower than’ Guanxi honey pomelo ’. The contents of K, P, Ca and Na varied with the varieties. The Fe / Zn values ​​of the four bud varieties increased, while the K / P values ​​varied with different varieties Among them, the Ca / Mg, Ca / Na and Mg / Na values ​​of three varieties with varying color of the flesh (’Golden Pomelo’, ’Red Meat Pomelo’ and ’Three Red Pomelo’) were generally increased.
对25例小面积烫伤患者,应用庆大霉素治疗,效果明显,25例患者14 d内伤口愈合无疤痕.治愈率100 %.
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