1临床资料患者,男,47岁,患者自诉于1个月前,无明显诱因下出现咳嗽,呈阵发性连声咳,咳少许黄白色粘稠痰,步行至二楼时出现气促,休息后气促缓解,无乏力、胸闷、头晕、盗汗、发热、畏寒、咯血,无胸痛、心悸,病后未给予治疗,症状无好转。2012年07月02日以“肺结核”收入住院。查体:体温36.8℃,脉搏84次/min,呼吸20次/min,血压115/86 mmHg,神志清楚,精神无异常,自动体位,全身皮肤黏膜未见黄染,无皮疹、皮下结节、瘢痕、溃疡及皮下出血点,无肝掌、蜘蛛痣。口唇无紫绀,颈静脉无怒张,双
1 clinical data, male, 47 years old, the patient self-prosecution in 1 month ago, no obvious incentive to cough, paroxysmal even cough, cough a little yellow-white viscous sputum, walking to the second floor when there was shortness of breath, rest After the shortness of breath to ease, no fatigue, chest tightness, dizziness, night sweats, fever, chills, hemoptysis, no chest pain, heart palpitations, no treatment after the illness, no improvement in symptoms. July 02, 2012 to “tuberculosis” income hospitalization. Examination: body temperature 36.8 ℃, pulse 84 beats / min, breathing 20 beats / min, blood pressure 115/86 mmHg, clear consciousness, no abnormal mental status, body position mucosa no yellow dye, no rash, subcutaneous nodules, Scars, ulcers and subcutaneous bleeding points, liver palms, spider nevus. No cyanosis of the lips, jugular vein without tension, double