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目的了解武汉市职业超重和肥胖现状及体重控制的认知、行为情况,为体重控制提供理论依据。方法采用随机整群抽样方法,对武汉市2 880名18~55岁的公务员、企业管理人员、事业单位人员、大学生4类职业人群进行问卷调查。采用卫生部《中国成人超重和肥胖症预防控制指南》推荐标准判断职业人群超重和肥胖情况。结果武汉市职业人群体重超重率为22.65%,肥胖率为4.80%;男性超重率(32.45%)、肥胖率(7.36%)均高于女性超重率(12.77%)和肥胖率(2.23%),差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。调查对象对体重控制主要知识的总体知晓率仅为42.56%;对超重肥胖产生心理问题多的知晓率为69.14%。有信心控制体重者为72.88%,主动学习体重控制知识者为64.45%。4类职业人群平均每天静坐6~9 h者均大于46.36%,每周锻炼1或2次者均大于31.05%。结论武汉市4类职业人群的超重率和肥胖率均低于全国水平;应针对不同职业人群工作场所和工作性质的特点,制定相应体重控制的健康教育与健康促进干预策略。 Objective To understand the current status of occupational overweight and obesity in Wuhan and the cognition and behavior of weight control, and to provide a theoretical basis for weight control. Methods A random cluster sampling method was used to conduct a questionnaire survey on 2,880 civil servants, business managers, institutions and college students from 18 to 55 years old in Wuhan. Adopted the recommendation of the Ministry of Health’s “Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Overweight and Obese Adults in China” to judge overweight and obesity in occupational groups. Results The occupational overweight rate was 22.65% and the obesity rate was 4.80% in the occupational population of Wuhan. The male overweight rate (32.45%) and obesity rate (7.36%) were higher than those of female overweight rate (12.77%) and obesity rate (2.23% The differences were statistically significant (P <0.01). The overall awareness rate of survey subjects to the main knowledge of weight control was only 42.56%; the awareness rate of many more psychological problems of overweight and obesity was 69.14%. Confidence in weight control was 72.88%, 64.45% active learning weight control knowledge. The occupational groups of 4 occupations averaged more than 46.36% of the patients who sat for 6 ~ 9 h per day, and those who exercised 1 or 2 times per week were more than 31.05%. Conclusion The prevalence of overweight and obesity in the four occupational groups in Wuhan is lower than the national average. Health education and health promotion intervention strategies should be formulated according to the characteristics of work place and work in different occupational groups.
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本文结合我国公共图书馆文化志愿者工作的现状,分析了公共图书馆引入文化志愿者服务的意义,阐明了志愿者在图书馆的服务内容,并指出了志愿者招募及管理方面应注意的问题。 B