维护集体利益 坚持财务制度——贫下中农代表曹山喜受表扬

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人民日报十一月七日讯江苏兴化县边城公社马大队第五生产队贫农、下中农代表曹山喜,维护集体利益,坚持财务制度,杜绝不正当的开支,受到赞扬。这个生产队经过社会主义教育运动以后,健全了财务管理制度,其中主要的是账目公开,用钱民主。最近,社员推选队长和曹山喜出售集体的鸭蛋,添置犁头。他们把鸭蛋挑到供销社,过秤后,营业员扣除了三元钱的欠款。曹山喜想:队里不欠供销社的账呀!追问了一下, People’s Daily, November 7 Xinhua Jiangsu Sahua Border Town Commune Brigade Fifth Production Team Poor peasants and middle peasants represent Cao Shanxi, safeguarding collective interests, upholding the financial system and putting an end to improper expenses are praised. After the Socialist Education Movement, this production team has perfected its financial management system. The major ones are open accounts and money and democracy. Recently, members of the selection of captains and Cao Shanxi collective eggs for sale, purchase plowshare. They pick the duck to the supply and marketing cooperatives, after weighing, salesmen deduct three yuan of arrears. Cao Shan hi like: the team does not owe the supply and marketing cooperatives it! Asked for a moment,
For most of the conventional crystals with low-index surfaces, the hopping between the nearest neighbor (1NN) crystal planes (CPs) is dominant and the ones from