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侧向约束桩桩身弯矩问题比较复杂,该文采用室内模型试验研究含桩地基重复加卸载过程中侧向约束桩桩身弯矩特性,结果表明:1含桩地基重复加、卸载过程中,侧向约束桩桩身弯矩沿深度先增大、后减小,有1个峰值(首次加载有2个峰值),峰值出现在0.37倍埋置桩长附近;2桩身弯矩随含桩地基加、卸载而相应增、减。重复加、卸载到相同荷载时,桩身弯矩随加、卸载次数增加而减小;3首次加载达到P-s曲线拐点荷载时,弯矩增长缓慢,第2~4次加载到P-s曲线拐点荷载的前级荷载时,弯矩增长缓慢。说明加载到一定程度时,桩间土作用恒定,桩体作用逐渐发挥,桩体抑制了侧向约束桩弯矩的增长。侧向约束桩弯矩受含桩地基桩间土控制。试验结果为含桩地基侧向约束桩的设计提供了依据。 The bending moment of laterally confined piles is complex. In this paper, the bending moment characteristics of laterally constrained piles during repeated loading and unloading of pile foundation are studied by indoor model tests. The results show that: , The bending moment of the laterally restrained pile first increases along the depth and then decreases, with one peak (two peaks for the first time) and the peak appears near the length of the buried pile 0.37 times; Pile foundation plus, unloading and corresponding increase, decrease. The bending moment increases with the increase of loading and unloading times when the load is repeated and unloaded to the same load. 3 When the load reaches the inflection point of Ps curve at the first load, the bending moment increases slowly, and the moment loads at the inflection point of Ps curve Former load, the bending moment increases slowly. It indicates that when the soil is loaded to a certain extent, the effect of soil between piles is constant and the function of pile body is gradually exerted. The pile body suppresses the growth of the bending moment of the lateral restraint pile. The lateral restraint pile bending moment is controlled by the soil between piles. The test results provide the basis for the design of side-restrained piles with piles.