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目的分析2006-2015年间西藏自治区伤害监测点报告病例分布情况,为西藏自治区开展伤害干预工作提供依据。方法依据《全国伤害监测工作手册》的相关标准和定义,对2006-2015年3所哨点医院的监测数据进行描述分析。结果伤害以男性(70.18%),年龄20~45岁者(66.5%)为主,商业、服务业者(17.3%)以及小学学历者(39.1%)是伤害的常见人群。伤害发生原因主要为跌倒/坠落(29.7%)、机动车车祸(27.5%)、钝器伤(16.9%),在2007-2015年间,伤害发生原因顺位没有发生变化;地点主要为公路/街道(33.9%)、公共居住场所(17.4%)及家中(15.1%),在每年的伤害发生地点中,公路与街道始终位居首位;伤害发生时活动主要为家务(36.9%)、休闲活动(20.2%)、学习(19.8%);伤害性质主要为挫伤/擦伤(43.3%)、锐器/咬伤/开放伤(22.7%)及骨折(15.7%),10年间,伤害性质的顺位基本不发生变化;部位主要是头部(30.3%),始终居于首位;伤害意图每年都以非故意(77.8%)为主;严重程度每年都以轻度(71.3%)为主。结论男性青壮年是干预的重点人群,公路/街道是干预的重要地点,跌倒/坠落是干预的重要原因,头部是重要干预部位,需积极采取高危人群-高危地点-高危原因-高危部位四位一体综合防控干预措施。 Objective To analyze the distribution of reported cases of injury monitoring stations in the Tibet Autonomous Region from 2006 to 2015 and provide basis for the intervention in the Tibet Autonomous Region. Methods Based on the relevant standards and definitions of “National Injury Monitoring Workbook”, the monitoring data of 3 sentinel hospitals in 2006-2015 were analyzed and described. Results Injuries were mainly male (70.18%), persons aged 20-45 (66.5%), and commercial, service providers (17.3%) and primary school-educated students (39.1%) were common injuries. The main causes of injury were fall / fall (29.7%), motor vehicle accident (27.5%) and blunt injury (16.9%). There was no change in the cause of injury during 2007-2015. The main locations were road / street (36.9%), leisure activities (33.9%), public places of residence (17.4%) and families (15.1%), with the highest number of roads and streets in each year. 20.2%) and learning (19.8%). The main injuries were contusion / bruising (43.3%), sharps / bites / open injuries (22.7%) and fractures (15.7%). (30.3%), always living in the first place; the intent of injury is mainly unintentional (77.8%) every year; and the severity is mild (71.3%) every year. Conclusion Male and female adults are the main population of intervention. Roads / streets are important sites for intervention. Fall / fall is the main reason for intervention. The head is an important intervention site. High risk population should be taken actively - high risk sites - high risk sites - high risk sites One integrated prevention and control interventions.
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