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在广西右江矿务局小龙矿安通工区安瓦班里,有一位年轻的小伙子,在工作当中他勤勤垦垦、敢抓、敢说、敢于制止,被职工夸他为矿山铁面子的安全卫士。他就是小龙矿安瓦班安瓦员何廷福。 小何是从本矿掘进一队调到安通工区当一名瓦斯值班检查员,他一干就是几年,他不断地刻苦学习,努力掌握业务本领,熟悉安全知识,增强了自己的业务素质和管理水平以及自我防范能力,小何自己知道当一名安瓦员不容易、责任重大,但要把 In Guangxi Youjiang Mining Administration Xiaolong mine Antong work area Anwar classes, there is a young guy, he worked diligently reclamation, dare to say, dare to say, dare to stop, was praised by his staff for the safety of iron mines in the mine Guardian. He is the dragons mine Annan Bo Ho Ting Fu. He is a team from the mine tunneling transferred to An Tong area when a gas inspector, a few years he is dry, he constantly study hard and strive to master the business skills, familiar with the safety knowledge and enhance their professional quality and Management level and self-defense ability, Xiao Ho know that when an Eva staff is not easy, responsibility, but should take
The CPAFFC and China Central Television(CCTV) jointly held a ceremony on March 1 in the CPAFFC’s Peace Palace,marking the premiere of Smeshariki(GoGoRiki),a T
With the support by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Ministry of Science and Technology of China,Prof.Zhao Qiang’s laboratory at Shangh
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。2004年中国一拖集团有限公司安全生产承包责任书 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to