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1那些乡愁,那些黯淡的星辰,那些星辰下渐渐醒来的河流。时光的蒲公英,空降在一望无际的田野上,交给永无休止的歌唱。唱到黄昏,唱到落日,直唱到月光有了琴韵。命运攥在手心里。站在桥上,你为什么落泪?流水运走鸟鸣,农事里站起的月光,像易碎的歌谣,飘荡在空中。这是我的土地和良知的月光,吹干了祖先棺木上的热血。春天在突围,诗人在一场雪里突围。天使的眼泪,挽留那些载不动的乡愁,我 1 nostalgia, those dim stars, the rivers that wake up under the stars. Time dandelion, airborne in the endless fields, to never ending singing. Sing to dusk, sing to the setting sun, singing to moonlight with melody. Fate grip in my hand. Standing on the bridge, why do you shed tears? Water running away birds, standing in the farm moonlight, like a fragile ballad, floating in the air. This is the moonlight of my land and conscience, drying the blood on the coffin of my ancestors. Spring break out, the poet breaks in a snow. Angels tears, retain those nostalgic, I am
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1  我和妈妈住在市郊小区一栋33层公寓的3301,从阳台的窗户望出去,眼光越过公路上的车水马龙,就是一条横跨城市东西的长长铁路。铁路上经常会跑过一辆铁皮火车,有时火车上装满黑色的煤,有时又会拉满新鲜的木头,我想木头上一定散发着夏天的清香。再向远处看去,便是一片晶莹绿透的庄稼,这个炎热的季节,田野里正疯长着抽穗的玉米,一排排,一片片,交织成绿色的网。  风在夜里总会趁你不备,溜进屋子,它的味道复杂
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