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年末岁首,当是送旧迎新之际。情不自禁地回顾一下即将逝去的1995年,立即发现对于新闻工作者来说,也是一个光辉灿烂的岁月。我们坚定不移地服务大局,维护大局,为进一步建设良好的舆论环境作出了积极的贡献,使得宣传报道上“好戏连台”……当然,缺欠也还不少,有的还须引起特别注意。有的新闻失实就是一个不小的问题,特别是“集体失实”更让人头痛不已,例如:1995年春节前后,多家新闻媒体竞相转载或转播由《深圳青年》杂志编造的一条有 The end of the year, when the occasion is to send the old welcome. Can not help but look back on the passing of 1995, immediately discovered for journalists, it is also a glorious era. We unswervingly serve the overall situation and safeguard the overall situation, making a positive contribution to further building a good public opinion environment so that propaganda and reporting are all on the same schedule. Of course, there are still many shortcomings, some of which have to cause special note. Some news misconduct is not a small problem. In particular, “collective misconduct” is even more troubling. For example, around the Spring Festival in 1995, a number of news media were competing to reprint or broadcast a piece of media created by Shenzhen Youth magazine
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