
来源 :广州医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhenggangdiy
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伤寒与副伤寒是常见的肠道传染病,近年发病虽有下降,但仍有病例。为了解近年来伤寒病的临床表现,我们总结了1972~1981年广州市传染病医院的全部住院病例409例。上述病例均采用临床症状、体征及实验室检查(包括白细胞下降,嗜酸性粒细胞数减少或消失,血、骨髓、大便培养中任何一种阳性,或肥达氏反应效价在1/160阳性以上并有递增者)的综合诊断确诊。409例中伤寒398例、副伤寒甲1例、乙3例、丙7例。一、发病年份及季节 1972~1981年,每年病例数为20~58例。其中1978年以前的每年均在40例以上,1979~1981年分别为130、20及34例,说明每年病例数不多,基本上属散发少量病例范围。发病季节以6~9月份最高,共194例占47.4%,12~2月最低,共61例占14.9%。见表1。 Typhoid and paratyphoid are common intestinal infectious diseases, although the incidence of decline in recent years, but there are still cases. In order to understand the clinical manifestations of typhoid fever in recent years, we summarize all the hospitalized cases in Guangzhou Infectious Diseases Hospital from 1972 to 1981, 409 cases. The above cases were treated with clinical symptoms, signs and laboratory tests (including leukopenia, eosinophilia reduction or disappearance, blood, bone marrow, stool culture in any positive, or Widal reaction titer 1/160 positive Above and have increased by) the diagnosis of a comprehensive diagnosis. Among 409 cases, 398 cases were typhoid fever, 1 case was paratyphoid fever, 3 cases were in B case and 7 cases were in C case. First, the onset of the year and the season 1972 to 1981, the annual number of cases was 20 to 58 cases. Among them, there were more than 40 cases each year before 1978 and 130, 20 and 34 cases respectively from 1979 to 1981, indicating that there are only a few cases each year, basically distributing a small number of cases. The onset season was the highest in June-September, with 194 cases accounting for 47.4% and the lowest in December-February. A total of 61 cases accounted for 14.9%. See Table 1.
High quality ultrafine Si powders have been synthesized from SiH4 by laser induced gas phase reaction. The powders prduced under different synthesis conditions
Objective:To assess anti-psoriatic activity of the methanol extract and the isolated flavonoid quercetin from the rhizome of Smilax china(S.china) Linn.Methods:
Prune belly综合征是一种少见的先天性发育异常。1895年由Parker首先报告,国外到1977年为止约报告200例。国内罕见。现将我院收治1例报道如下。病例摘要患儿男性,3天,住院号
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“情与景、光与影、歌与舞、心与魂,交织出青春之不灭、生命之永恒。”由杭州歌舞剧院院长、国家一级编导崔巍担任主创的大型舞蹈诗剧《阿姐鼓》自1996年推出以来,就凭借强烈的艺术感染力横扫国内所有大奖,被舞蹈界誉为西藏舞蹈艺术的里程碑。  “像一幅长卷,描绘出青藏高原独特而迷人的风情;如几首短歌,咏唱出藏族同胞对生活的热爱与崇敬;似一串小诗,歌颂了西藏人民生生不灭的顽强精神。”作为反映藏族民族风情与佛教