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今天是中华人民共和国成立以来的第一个国庆日。全国各民族人民正以最兴旧最愉快的心情来庆祝这个伟大的节日,我们的外国朋友全世界爱好和平民主的人民,也都欢欣鼓舞地表示庆祝。中华人民共和国中央人民政府成立后,即忠实地执行中国人民政治协商会议共同纲领,领导各级地方人民政府并召开各级人民代表会议使共同纲领成为中国人民的实际行动。而在短短一年中有了巨大成就。人民政府忠实执行了肃清残敌解放全国的任务。全中国的国土,除掉西藏、台湾和几个零星小岛之外,已经全部解放。美帝国主义所策动国民党反动派所组织的土匪武装已大部肃清。特务组织和间谍分子也被我公安机关大批破获。新民主主义的社会秩序,一天一天地在巩固起来。人民政府忠实执行了正确的财政经济政策。统一了全国财政经济工作的管理和领导,争取了财政收支的平衡,实现了金融物价的稳定;调整了工商业,改善了公私关系和劳资关系;进行了救灾工作和水利工作,保证了农业生产的丰收。这一切使财政经济的基本好转有了良好的开端。人民政府忠实执行了正确的文化教育政策。推行了人民的政治学习运动,使广大的知识分子和青年学生参加了新知识的学习,或者参加革命工作。人民政府并有重点的开展了工农教育,注意了国民卫生。这一切使广大的文教战线呈现新的气象。 Today is the first National Day since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The people of all ethnic groups across the country are celebrating this great festival in the most joyous and happiest mood. Our foreign friends, people all over the world who love peace and democracy, also celebrate with joy and encouragement. After the founding of the Central People’s Government of the People’s Republic of China, it faithfully implemented the common program of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, led local people’s governments at all levels and held a people’s congress at all levels to make the common program a practical move by the Chinese people. And in just a year has made a huge achievement. The people’s government faithfully implemented the task of eliminating the enemy’s liberation across the country. All of China’s territory has been completely liberated except Tibet, Taiwan and several scattered islands. The banditry organized by the reactionaries of the Kuomintang under the imperialists has been largely eliminated. Spy agencies and spies were also cracked down by a large number of public security organs. The new democratic social order is consolidating day by day. The people’s government faithfully implemented the correct fiscal and economic policies. Unified the management and leadership of the nation’s financial and economic work, secured the balance of fiscal revenue and expenditure and stabilized the financial price; adjusted business and public relations, improved public-private relations and labor-capital relations; carried out relief work and water conservancy work, and ensured agricultural production The harvest. All this made a good start to the fundamental improvement in the financial and economic conditions. The people’s government faithfully implemented the correct cultural and educational policies. The people’s political learning campaign was promoted, so that a large number of intellectuals and young students took part in the study of new knowledge or participated in revolutionary work. The people’s government has also focused its efforts on education for workers and peasants and paid attention to national hygiene. All these have given the broad cultural and educational front a new atmosphere.
先证者(Ⅲ9) 男,41岁.早期行走过程中出现下肢无力,跑步慢、腓骨肌、伸趾长肌及足部小肌无力和萎缩,逐步发展至大腿下1/3,外形似鹤腿.晚期下肢出现肌萎缩,伴下肢远端感觉异常.诊断为腓骨肌萎缩症(Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, CMT)。
朱委員長、各位副委員長、各位委員: 我十分高兴地在北京参加了庆祝建国十周年紀念。十年来,我国在巩固祖国的統一和加强民族团結方面取得了偉大的胜利,在人民民主革命、社
尼古拉·伊万诺维奇·布哈林(NiKolailvanovich Buhkarin)曾是联共(布)和共产国际的领导人之一和著名的经济学家.20年代末期布哈林在一系列社会主义经济建设问题上大胆地提
主要研究多层建筑地下室埋深浅于临近地下车库工况下的结构设计,给出了结构设计方法和几种结构方案,并对地下车库结构加强的设计措施进行了分析。 The research mainly focu