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股份合作制企业作为一种新型的企业组织形式,具有产权关系明晰、劳资合一、利益分配直接、运作机制灵活、管理民主的现代企业制度的特征,从而打破了原有集体所有制企业的政企不分、缺乏民主的落后的组织管理形式,为企业带来了生机和活力。它的确立,是经济体制改革的成果,也是社会主义市场经济的客观需要。 为及时掌握股份合作制企业的发展现状,促进其健康发展,规范其在市场经济条件下的经营行为,北京市工商行政管理局于1994年7月—8月,对235户股份合作制企业进行了调查。调查提出要—— As a new form of corporate organization, share-holding cooperative enterprises have the characteristics of a clear property rights relationship, a unified labor and capital, a direct distribution of benefits, a flexible operating mechanism, and a democratic management modern enterprise system, thus breaking the government and enterprises of the original collective-owned enterprises. The undifferentiated and lack of democratic and backward forms of organization and management have brought vitality and vitality to the enterprise. Its establishment is the result of the reform of the economic system and is also an objective requirement of the socialist market economy. In order to keep abreast of the status quo of the development of joint-stock cooperative enterprises, promote their healthy development, and standardize their business operations under market economy conditions, the Beijing Municipal Administration for Industry and Commerce conducted the 235 joint-stock cooperative enterprises from July to August 1994. Survey. The investigation proposes to-
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