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在实际工作中,我们应注意区分在犯罪现场提取到的指纹,足迹等痕迹是犯罪痕迹还是非犯罪痕迹,认真做好剔除。剔除和认定同一,在痕迹检验中同样重要,两者相辅相承,缺一不可。认定同一的前提,首先是做好剔除;而剔除的目的,就是为了确定犯罪痕迹,进行认定同一。实践中,一般是先剔除当事人、被害人及家属,以及可能接触过现场而留有痕迹但与犯罪无关的人,而后确定犯罪痕迹。但要注意,有些痕迹即使是事主或其他平时可能接触的人所留,亦不该笼统地排除其嫌疑,而应对现场痕迹进行仔细观察研究和综合分析。不但要研究痕迹本身,研究痕迹在现场中的位置及其与其他物体之间的相互联系,还要结合研究现场访问材料,进行综合分析,才能作出符合实际的最后判断。一、认真做好现场勘验,是痕迹剔除的关键所在。1.研究痕迹的形成过程。痕迹的形成与作案人的心理、动作习惯、入侵方式,作案的目的动机,障碍物的高低,物体的形状等紧密联系。在勘查中要注意研究痕迹的形成过程,这样对分析案情,确定案件性质,确定犯罪痕迹和非犯罪痕迹具有非常重 In practical work, we should pay attention to differentiate fingerprints extracted at the crime scene, traces of such traces of crime or non-criminal traces of conscientiously do a good job. Elimination and identification of the same test in the trace is equally important, both complement each other, are indispensable. Identify the same premise, the first is to do a good job culling; and the purpose of culling is to determine the traces of crime, to identify the same. In practice, it is usually the first to remove the parties, victims and their families, as well as those who may have come into contact with the scene but have no trace of crime, and then determine the traces of crime. However, we should note that some traces should not be excluded from their suspicions altogether even by the victim or other persons who may be in contact with him in the ordinary time. Instead, careful observation and comprehensive analysis should be carried out on the on-site traces. Not only to study the trace itself, to study the location of the trace in the scene and its interrelation with other objects, but also to study the site to access the material, a comprehensive analysis, in order to make realistic final judgments. First, conscientiously do a good job site inspection, marking the key is removed. 1. Study the formation of marks. The formation of traces is closely linked with the psychology of the perpetrator, the habit of action, the method of invasion, the motive of the purpose of committing the crime, the level of the obstacle, the shape of the object, and the like. In the survey should pay attention to the study of the formation of traces of this case analysis of the merits, determine the nature of the case, determine the traces of crime and non-criminal traces of very heavy
【推荐理由】童话伴随着我们的成长,是我们生命中重要的一部分。它告诉我们什么是美与丑,什么是真与假,什么是诚实和虚伪,什么是友爱和仇恨……在世界文学万紫千红的花 [Rec