Numerical simulation based cold tests for a tangentially fired boiler

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Such problems as flameout and serious slagging frequently occurred in a 170 t/h tangentially fired boiler burning inferior coals and with low load.Thus,cold tests were carried out to comprehensively investigate the performance of each air tube and the size and position of the tangential circle.Therefore,the cause and area of slagging in furnace can be determined.Thus,by numerical simulation on combustion,the optimal operation parameters for the boiler burning different coals under various loads conditions can be provided.The actual application showed that,the boiler fed with present coal can be long-term operated stably at 60% load,and its heat efficiency was up to 91%.Moreover,the abnormal flameout no longer occurred,and the slagging was alleviated a lot. Such problems as flameout and serious slagging due occurred a 170 t / h tightened substantially fired boiler burning coals and with low load.Thus, cold tests were carried out to comprehensively investigate the performance of each air tube and the size and position of the tangential the cause and area of ​​slagging in furnace can be determined.Thus, by numerical simulation on combustion, the optimal operation parameters for the boiler burning different coals under various loads conditions can be provided. The actual application showed that, the boiler fed with present coal can be long-term operated stably at 60% load, and its heat efficiency was up to 91%. Moreover, the abnormal flameout no longer occurred, and the slagging was alleviated a lot.
本文以语法化理论为指导,通过对历时语料的考察,研究了汉语中“所”字结构的产生、发展过程。   西周初期,“所”只是一个表处所的名词,不具有转指功能,此时,汉语用“攸+V”表示
As可作副词、介词、连词及关系代词,词意多、用法灵活,是中学英语重要测试点之一,现将其重要用法分类归纳如下:一、as用作介词1.作“如,像”之意例如:I have been to such bi
证明存在递归可枚举图灵度a和c使得c(≤)a,并且对每个递归可枚举图灵度b≤Ta, b≠c, 其中a是R/M中的一个元素,R/M是递归可枚举图灵度集R模可盖图灵度集M的商.“,”It is prov
教学目标是教学过程的结果. 它是课堂教学的出发点和归宿.课堂要较好达成比较多的教学目标,提高教学效率和效益,要求教者有效设计教学目标,让教学目标指向学生,受到时间限制,