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工业是国民经济的主导部门,为一个国家或地区的发展和建设提供雄厚的物质基础。从农业文明到工业文明,从农业社会到工业社会,体现了一个国家或地区的繁荣与进步,体现了一个国家或地区的发展程度。二次世界大战后,世界众多独立的民族国家均自觉或不自觉地走上工业化发展道路。一些经济学家甚至断言,工业化是经济增长的关键和发展的先决条件。在这种情况下,工业化浪潮席卷全球。中国从20世纪50年代起也踏上了工业化发展道路,并制定了赶超型的经济发展战略。云南作为人类发祥地之一,工业发展却经历了曲折的历程。1949年全省工业总产值仅为1.95亿元,实现利税0.36亿元,工业部门残缺不全,发展水平十分低下。经过50多年特别是改革开放以来的发展,云南工业取得了巨大发展。不仅基本建立起门类较为齐全的工业体系,而且支柱产业得到加强,大企业不断培育,名优产品不断涌现,新兴产业茁壮成长,对推动全省经济结构调整,转移农村剩余劳动力,推进城市化,加快全省经济社会发展,提高人民生活水平,起了十分重要的作用。昆明作为云南的省会城市,集中了众多优势资源,现已基本形成了以机械、化工、卷烟、冶金、建材、电力、食品为主的工业体系,全省50%的大中型企业和工业总产值在昆明,是全省最重要的工业基地。西山区作为云南工业文明的摇篮之一,发展历史十分悠久,现已成为云南重要磷化工、生物制药、光电仪器、绿色食品加工基地,拥有一批在国内外享有盛誉的大企业。全省加快工业发展,必须高度重视包括西山区在内的工业基础较好的地区的工业发展,这样才能加快全省工业化进程,推进工业文明 Industry is the leading sector of the national economy and provides a solid material foundation for the development and construction of a country or region. From agricultural civilization to industrial civilization, from agricultural society to industrial society, it reflects the prosperity and progress of a country or region, and reflects the degree of development of a country or region. After the Second World War, many independent nation-states in the world have consciously or unconsciously embarked on the path of industrialization. Some economists even assert that industrialization is the key to economic growth and a prerequisite for development. In this case, the wave of industrialization swept the world. China also embarked on an industrialized development path since the 1950s and formulated a strategy for catching up with economic development. As one of the birthplaces of human beings, Yunnan has undergone a tortuous course of industrial development. In 1949, the province’s total industrial output value was only 195 million yuan, and profits and taxes reached 0.36 billion yuan. The industrial sector was incomplete and the level of development was very low. After more than 50 years of development, especially since the reform and opening up, Yunnan’s industry has achieved tremendous development. It not only basically established a more complete industrial system, but also strengthened the pillar industries, continuously nurtured large enterprises, continuously emerged famous and high quality products, and thriving new industries, which promoted the economic restructuring of the province, transferred surplus rural labor, and promoted urbanization. The province’s economic and social development and improvement of people’s living standards have played a very important role. As the capital city of Yunnan, Kunming has concentrated many advantageous resources and has now basically formed an industrial system based on machinery, chemicals, cigarettes, metallurgy, building materials, electricity, and food. The province’s 50% of large and medium-sized enterprises and industrial output value In Kunming, it is the most important industrial base in the province. As one of the cradle of Yunnan’s industrial civilization, Xishan District has a long history of development. It has now become an important phosphorus chemical, biopharmaceutical, optoelectronic, and green food processing base in Yunnan, and has a large number of large enterprises that enjoy great reputation at home and abroad. In order to speed up industrial development in the province, we must attach great importance to industrial development in regions with a good industrial base including Xishan District, so as to speed up the process of industrialization in the province and advance industrial civilization.
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对于时尚,男人的知识整体水平显然较女人贫乏。许多男人不知道世界顶级名牌姓甚名谁,即使一些足够富裕的男人已经在消费顶级名牌,却不知道名牌背后的历史文化积淀、经典魅力。对于男人来说,这些顶级名牌买不起可以,不买可以,但是不能不知道。    ARMANI(意大利)——意大利绅士  Armani建立于1973年。设计师阿玛尼认为服装的质量更甚于款式更新。由于融入了便装和运动装的随意元素,它的整体风格不拘谨
我出生在一个艺术家庭,父亲是一名画家,母亲在我出生之前是一名越剧演员,之后也学习绘画。小时候,我的一切都是由父母安排的,因此顺理成章地,父母安排我走了画画这条路。但我从小有个愿望,就是会说很多种语言,方言、外语都行,所以每回看见那些能在多种语言间很骄傲地自由转换的人,就羡慕得不得了,总会偷偷地多欣赏一会儿。  我喜欢语言。因为掌握一种语言,就能和当地人聊天,语言上的亲切感能让某些隔阂瞬间消失,能帮