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就因为不想做低人一等的关外人,为汉室身经百战,立下汗马功劳的楼船将军杨仆于是上书汉武帝,当得到恩准后,自掏腰包,将函谷关东迁三百里,迁建至其老家新安。这里,南有青龙山,北有邙山,中间是奔流不息的涧水,也称得上是自然天成的关隘。此关因建于汉代,故又称汉关,借以区别于灵宝的秦关。汉关从建好之始,就成了东西交通的必经之地。 Because they do not want to be inferior to others, for the Han Dynasty battle-hardened, made a contribution to the generals Yang servant wrote a letter to Emperor Wu, when get the grace, out of pocket, the Kuan Valley Kanto moved to three hundred, move Built to its home Xin’an. Here, there Qinglongshan South, North Hill, in the middle of endless stream jianshui, also known as the natural natural pass. The customs built in the Han Dynasty, it is also known as the Han Pass, in order to distinguish from the Lingbao Qin Guan. From the beginning of the establishment of the Han customs, things have become the only way to traffic.
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我惊叹于乡村之美  美如菜畦  美如豆荚  美如薄荷  我惊叹于这位老人  露出孩童之美    即景    院子里的竹架上  开满了葫芦和南瓜的小黄花  黄花悦目  往日之旁鹜  无暇顾及  黄花有震撼之美  驻足之间  有真性流露  我心自在黄花  开落不关我  亦不惊讶
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