为自己加油 为网球喝彩——记2004年鹰牌花旗参杯北京精英业余网球公开赛

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草长莺飞,绿意盎然,又到了“鹰牌”比赛时。走到北京市网球管理中心门口,那熟悉的、十分养眼的绿色充气拱门温和地敞着怀抱。通道旁的绿色条幅上写着一句朴实平白但却含意深长的话:“随时为自己加油。”深绿的色调,动人心弦的广告语,在6月的阳光和微风中轻轻摇曳——有点诧异“鹰牌”的广告语怎么会如此切合当时的季节和心情? 北京的五六月,业余赛事繁多,“鹰牌”出场靠后,没有先机,却并不影响它展现自身的沉稳和内涵。众多的参赛者、齐全的组别、合理的赛制,还有附设的擂台赛、抽奖、趣味游戏、参茶试饮等活动,将赛事装点得充满生机。更为难得的是,赛事处处体现着一种人文和生活的气息,鹰牌花旗参将其倡导的健康、运动、时尚的生活观念化于有形和无形之中,传递给了每一个参赛选手和每一个热爱生活的人。 在赛事组织者精心搭建的一个个绿色遮阳棚里,在一片片绿色草坪上,球友们随意地散坐在一起,时而为精彩的比赛加油喝彩,时而说说笑笑,开怀畅谈。看着一张张在阳光下泛着光泽、带着微笑的脸庞,你会感慨这样一种“机缘聚会”的可贵。是网球,让他们走到一起,也是“鹰牌”这样锐意进取、积极开拓的企业让他们走到了一起。 人生苦短其实又漫长,“鹰牌”悄悄地告诉你:随时为自己加油,做自己人生的精英。 Grass long warbler fly, green, went to the “Eagle” game. Walked to the front of the Beijing Tennis Management Center, the familiar, very seductive green inflatable arch gently open arms. The green banner next to the passage reads plain, but white, but meaningful words: “Always cheer yourself up.” Dark-green tones, moving chimes, gently swaying in June’s sunshine and breeze - a little surprised “ Eagle ”slogan how so will be so season and mood? Beijing in May and June, amateur competitions numerous,“ Eagle ”played later, there is no opportunity, but it does not affect it to show its calm and meaning. A large number of participants, a complete set, a reasonable race system, as well as the attached Challenge Cup, lottery, fun games, tea and other activities to participate in the trial, decorated the event was full of vitality. Even more rare is that the tournament embodies a humanistic and living atmosphere, the American brand ginseng Advocates health, sports, fashion life advocated in the visible and intangible, passed to each of the contestants and Every person who loves life. In the green organizers carefully built a green awning, on a piece of green lawn, golfers casually sitting together, sometimes cheering for the exciting game, sometimes talking and laughing, talking. Looking at each other in the sunshine glowing, smiling face, you will feel such a “chance party” valuable. Is tennis, let them come together, but also “Eagle” so determined to make progress, actively explore the business so that they come together. In fact, life is too short, “Eagle” quietly tell you: at any time for their own cheer, to be the elite of their own lives.
一.电影的气象多变 电影生产的天气多变。阳光辉耀和阴云密布的日子都少见。多的是晴间多云。说句笑话:欲知电影的晴雨,请看“金鸡”评委们的脸色。好年成,他们会喜上眉梢;歉年成,
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