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施莱尔马赫是现代新教神学之父和著名的古典语文学家,他创造性地综合了新教神学的解释学传统与古典学界的修辞学和语文学传统,使解释学从特殊解释学转变为一般解释学(hermeneutica generalis),由此成为一门专门的学科,他也因此被称作“现代解释学之父”。他在1805~1833年围绕解释学做了近10次学术报告和演讲课。可惜的是,与他的辩证法和哲学伦理学一样,他始终没有公开出版他全面深入论述其解释学体系的专著。不过,他的解释学的基本理论框架始终没有发生根本性变化,保持了连续性和一贯性。他在1805年首先以格言的形式陈述了他对解释学的一些随想,接着在1809~1810年以草稿的形式描述了他的理论设想,最终在1819年以更具体的纲要阐述了他对解释学的比较成熟的看法,他的1828年和1832~1833年演讲都以此纲要为基础,并增加了一些边注和评论。在这个纲要的导言中,施莱尔马赫对解释学的本质、目标、种类和方法等作了简明扼要的论述,基本上呈现了他的一般解释学的理论框架。 Schleiermacher, father of modern Protestant theology and a renowned classical linguist, creatively integrated the hermeneutic traditions of Protestant theology with the rhetoric and linguistic traditions of the classical world, transforming hermeneutics from hermeneutics to the general Hermeneutica generalis thus becomes a specialized discipline, and he is therefore called “the father of modern hermeneutics.” In 1805 ~ 1833 he did nearly 10 academic reports and lectures around hermeneutics. It is a pity that he, like his dialectics and philosophical ethics, has never published a monograph on his comprehensive interpretation of hermeneutics in any depth. However, his basic theoretical framework of hermeneutics has not undergone fundamental changes, maintaining the continuity and consistency. In 1805, he first described his thoughts on hermeneutics in motto form, and then described his theoretical ideas in a draft form from 1809 to 1810, eventually explaining his interpretation of the explanation in a more specific outline in 1819 The relatively mature view of his studies, his 1828 and 1832-1833 lectures, are based on this compendium and add some side notes and commentary. In the preface to this outline, Schleiermacher made a brief and concise exposition of the essence, goal, category and method of hermeneutics, basically presenting his theoretical framework of general hermeneutics.
在一个商业超高真空装置中,对以玻璃为衬底并附有 Ga_xAl_1As 过渡层的半透明 GaAs 膜进行激活,获得了负电子亲和势(NEA)特性。在激活前后对光电阴极进行了定量表面分析,结果
本文以图象全息术为重点,简单论述基本方法和原理,随后讨论最新的发展。 In this paper, image holography as the focus, a simple discussion of the basic methods and p
1残膜污染现状2008年,新疆生产建设兵团农10师181团地膜栽培面积约4333hm2,年农膜用量已达227.5~260.0t,每年残膜回收面积只占地膜种植面积的3/10,且需大量人 1 residual mem