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巍然耸立于尼罗河畔沙漠之中的古埃及国王(法老)的陵墓,从四面看,就像是汉字“金”的化身,故称金字塔。中国也有被人称为“东方金字塔”的古代陵墓。它们是: 少吴陵:少吴是中国传说中的五帝之一。父亲是黄帝,母亲是娥皇。据说他政绩斐然,史书以五行之首的“金”象征其功业,所以也称为“金天氏”,奉为神帝。少吴陵建造年代约与埃及金字塔年代相同,这是一座棱角分明、设计科学的金字塔。陵墓呈覆斗状,底边长28 The mausoleum of the ancient Egyptian king (Pharaoh) towering among the deserts of the Nile, viewed from all sides, is like an incarnation of the Chinese character “金”, hence the name pyramid. China also has an ancient mausoleum called the “Oriental Pyramid.” They are: Less Wu: less Wu is one of the Five Emperors in Chinese legend. His father is the Yellow Emperor, mother is E Wong. He is said to have achieved impressive achievements. His history books, with “gold” as the first of their five elements, symbolize their merits, so they are also called “Golden Days,” and they are regarded as gods and gods. Less built Wu Ling era about the same with the Egyptian pyramid, which is a sharp, scientific design of the pyramid. Mausoleum was covered, the bottom long 28
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