近些年来,我们结合教师思想状况,在全县中小幼教师中广泛开展了“师德合格”活动。通过这项活动,有效地制止了教师中存在的不良风气,体罚、讽刺、嫌弃学生和教学不负责任的情况明显减少;组织纪律松懈、不服从工作安排的状况大有改观;教师的为人师表意识得到了强化,思想道德素质和业务素质明显提高。我们开展“师德合格”活动的基本做法是: “师德合格”活动在标准要求上立足于肯定大多数,鞭策极少数,从而唤起广大教师积极参与的热情。多年来,教师队伍中一直存在着如讽刺、挖苦甚至体罚学生、工作纪律松懈、教学马虎、不服从安排、背后不负责任的地议论等这样那样的问题,社会上的赌博、以权谋私、假公济私等歪风在教师中也有
In recent years, we combined with teachers’ ideological conditions and carried out a wide range of “qualified morality” activities among primary and secondary school teachers in the county. Through this activity, the bad ethos, corporal punishment, satire, disgruntled students and irresponsible teaching were effectively stopped. The situation of organizational discipline laxity and disobedience to work arrangements has greatly improved. The teachers’ Consciousness has been strengthened, ideological and moral qualities and professional quality improved significantly. Our basic practice of “ethics qualification” activities is: “ethics and morality” activities in the standard requirements based on the affirmation of the majority, sparing a handful, thus arousing the enthusiasm of the majority of teachers to participate. Over the years, there have been such problems as satirical, sarcastic and even corporal punishment of students, lax discipline in teaching, sloppy teaching, disobedience of arrangements and irresponsible remarks from behind the teachers, social gambling, abuse of power for personal gain, public-private interests, etc. Unhealthy teachers also have