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日本全国癌症研究中心的科学家认为,未发酵的绿茶能抑制癌细胞的发展。他们分析了来自日本卫生福利部门的统计资料,发现静冈地区的居民很少有人死于癌症。原因是:静冈是日本绿茶产地之一,当地居民长期饮用大量绿茶。研究结果表明,绿茶含有一种抑制肿瘤生长的物质,其主要成分 Japanese National Cancer Research Center scientists believe that unfermented green tea can inhibit the development of cancer cells. They analyzed statistics from the Japanese health and welfare department and found that very few residents of Shizuoka Prefecture died of cancer. The reason is: Shizuoka is one of the origins of Japanese green tea, local residents long-term consumption of large amounts of green tea. The results show that green tea contains a substance that inhibits tumor growth, its main component