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在九曲黄河上游谷畔,祁连山余脉北山东端,有一块风水宝地——白银.这里蕴藏着丰富的金、银、铜等多种有色金属和煤炭资源.明朝时就有官办机构“白银厂”在此组织采矿,时有“日出斗金”之说.1949年新中国诞生,白银的矿产资源开发随之被提到国家议事日程上.1954年9月“白银有色金属公司”宣布成立,标志着白银历史上第一次创业拉开了序幕.此后,又内迁和新建了一批军工、轻纺、电力等企业.随着工业经济的迅速发展和改革大潮的迭起,1985年8月白银市恢复成立.经过白银人民多年的艰苦奋斗,目前白银境内建起了白银有色金属公司、靖远电厂等20多家大中型企业.拥有“有色王”、 In nine of the upper reaches of the Yellow River Valley, the Qilian Mountains north of the northern tip of the mountains, there is a feng shui treasure - silver .Here is rich in gold, silver, copper and other non-ferrous metals and coal resources .In the Ming Dynasty there official agencies “ Silver factory ”in this mining organization, there are“ sunrise bucket gold. ”The birth of new China in 1949, silver mineral resources development followed by reference to the national agenda .1954 in September“ silver non-ferrous metals company ” The announcement of the founding of the People’s Republic of China marked the beginning of the first pioneering undertaking in the history of silver, and later relocated and newly built a number of enterprises such as the military, textile and electricity industries. With the rapid development of the industrial economy and the tide of reform and reform, 1985 Silver City in August to restore the founding. After years of arduous struggle of the people of silver, the silver has built a silver non-ferrous metals company, Jingyuan Power Plant more than 20 large and medium-sized enterprises. Have “colored King”
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中国第一个宽带IP城域网已在南京开通。这一高速通道可使用户上网速度提高上百倍。南京电信公众宽带IP城域网覆盖该市主城区及部分郊县 ,为四通八达的全光纤高速通信平台 ,其建成
与速度遵循摩尔定律变化的微处理器、容量呈几何 增长的硬盘相比,彩色显示器的发展相对平静。现今为止,彩色显示器大致经历了球面CRT(阴极射线显像管)显示器、平面直角CRT显示器、纯平
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