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不少事实证明,家长与学校配合进行对子女的教育,对子女学习效率和质量的提高有明显的促进作用。但是,家长和教师都有自己的工作,接触的时间不可能太多。那么,怎样选择在最佳时机进行校访呢? 一、子女升级或换了新班主任时,家长应主动进行校访,将孩子以往在学校、在家里的各方面表现告诉老师,协商采取教育措施。二、对学校有好的建议和意见时。如时严肃校纪校规、班级管理、加强思想教育有所见解,或者发现学校教育中的问题、漏洞,可进行校访,以便学校及时改进工作。三、当子女经常很晚回家时。有一个学生长期回家很晚,借口是大扫除,或学校、班上有集体活动,家长也就未在意。直到有一天孩子在街上打架事发,才知孩子迟迟不回家是在街上玩电子游戏、结伴玩耍、甚至打架斗殴。因此,当孩子常不按时回家时,家长应及时了解学校每天的作息时间及搞清洁卫生、集体活动等时间安排。 Many facts have proved that the cooperation of parents and schools in education of children has obviously promoted the improvement of children’s learning efficiency and quality. However, both parents and teachers have their own jobs, and exposure to time can not be excessive. So, how to choose the best time for school visits? First, the children upgrade or change a new class teacher, parents should take the initiative to conduct school visits, the child in the school, at home in all aspects of performance to tell the teacher, consultation and education measures . Second, the school has good suggestions and opinions. For example, we should take a serious view of school rules and class management, improve class management and enhance ideological education, or find problems and loopholes in school education so that school visits can be conducted so that schools can improve their work in a timely manner. Third, when children often go home late. A student who goes home long enough for an extended period of time, excuses himself to be a general cleaning, or a group activity in a school or class, does not care. Until one day a child fights in the street, I discovered that the child is still not coming back home to play video games in the street, play together, and even fights. Therefore, when the children often go home on time, parents should keep abreast of daily school schedules and timing of hygiene and collective activities.
针对孩子的暴力犯罪案件逐年增加,那么该如何保护孩子,使他们免遭犯罪分子的伤害呢? 一、教孩子一些自我保护常识。必须尽早让你的孩子记住下列常识: ①他(她)的姓名全称、
我不是上海人,亲戚中也没有上海人,更无意也无需讨好上海人,可我愈发佩服上海人,认定全中国城市人口中素质最高的就是上海人了。你别不信,我的确拿得出证据。 I am neither