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海洋鱼类通常以集群的形式分布在特定空间内,具有高度的空间异质性特征.基于1971—2011年中国机轮拖网渔业捕捞统计及底拖网科学调查获取的东海带鱼数据,并结合夏季研究水域内海表温度及黑潮区PN断面表层盐度数据,利用空间统计方法对东海带鱼资源的聚集特征进行年代际分析.全局自相关性分析显示,1971—2011年Moran I指数先减小再增大且均为正值,表明东海带鱼聚集性呈先减弱再增强的趋势;PN断面表层盐度均值变化趋势与之相反.局部自相关性分析显示,除1971年带鱼热点分布受作业水域范围限制而集中在中部外,1981—2011年带鱼分布热点区域呈现先向南部外海移动,随后逐步向北部外海移动的格局,且相应的热点分布范围亦呈现先集中后扩散的趋势.带鱼热点分布区域随海表温度第一模态变化做适应性移动,且均靠近黑潮北分支左侧水域. Marine fish are usually distributed in a specific space in a cluster with high spatial heterogeneity.Based on the statistics of China’s trawler fishing statistics and bottom trawling science survey from 1971 to 2011 and the data of summer studies The sea surface temperature in the sea area and the surface salinity data of the PN cross section in the Kuroshio area, the spatial statistical method was used to conduct the interdecadal analysis of the aggregation characteristics of the octopus resources in the East China Sea.The global autocorrelation analysis showed that the Moran I index first decreased and then increased from 1971 to 2011 Are positive, indicating that the aggregation of the octopus in the East China Sea showed the trend of first decreasing and then increasing.The average salinity of the PN section changed in the opposite direction.The local autocorrelation analysis showed that the hotspot distribution of the octopus in 1971 was limited by the scope of the operating waters However, in the central part of China, the distribution of hot spots in octopus from 1981 to 2011 showed the pattern of moving to the south and then to the north of the oceans, and the distribution of the corresponding hot spots also showed the tendency of first concentration and then dispersion. The first mode change of the sea surface temperature is adaptively moved, and both are close to the left side of the Kuroshio northern branch.
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