Superior step-size theorem and its application——Parallel variable step-size LMS filters algorithm

来源 :Science in China(Series F:Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liyon_88
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With independence assumption, this paper proposes and proves the superior step-size theorem on least mean square (LMS) algorithm, from the view of minimizing mean squared error (MSE). Following the theorem we construct a parallel variable step-size LMS filters algorithm. The theoretical model of the proposed algorithm is analyzed in detail. Simulations show the proposed theoretical model is quite close to the optimal variable step-size LMS (OVS-LMS) model. The experimental learning curves of the proposed algorithm also show the fastest convergence and fine tracking performance. The proposed algorithm is therefore a good realization of the OVS-LMS model. Following the theorem we construct a parallel variable step-size LMS filters algorithm (LMS) algorithm, from the view of minimizing mean squared error (MSE). The theoretical model of the proposed algorithm is analyzed in detail. Simulations show the proposed theoretical model is quite close to the optimal variable step-size LMS (OVS-LMS) model. The experimental learning curves of the proposed algorithm also show the urgency convergence and fine tracking performance. The proposed algorithm is therefore good of the OVS-LMS model.
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