收购Prada未成,像个噱头.但一拨陆强们频频发动对欧洲奢侈品牌的收购战,预示着什么?陆强,人称David Lu,富二代,天生购物狂人.高考后弃学,跟随黄光裕进入百货界,先后在上海华联超市,香港置地广场等5家公司供职,由奢侈品买手变身为中国奢侈品市场的淘金客.他于2003年创立上海富客斯实“,”Currently Chinese companies are trying to follow the trend once started by the Japanese by acquiring luxury brands,however they have encountered several road blocks.Last year, foreign luxury brands agency Foxtown Industrial(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd tried to acquire luxury goods giant Prada,however in the end the acquisition failed. The bid for Prada shows the business logic that some Chinese buyers such as Lu Qiang are using to try and make breakthroughs: they attempt through various means to seek the right to speak for the Chinese luxury goods market.The company's failure to acquire Prada is a reflection of the contradiction within the Chinese luxury goods market:a good consumer market and decline of the luxury goods market.