以人为本、心系泳客 郡王府游泳馆做好体育服务

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北京郡王府游泳馆是一家被北京市政府命名为“2008年奥运冠军俱乐部”的健身场馆,坐落在郡王府建筑群西邻,总占地面积12000平方米,场馆地设计、施工都是严格按照国际标准进行的。馆内具有国际标准的50m×25m的比赛泳池和儿童池各一个及同时容纳400余名观众的看台。自2006年4月开始郡王府游泳馆就开始着手体育服务认证,到2007年2月6日游泳馆顺利地通过了认证审核。在这项工作的实践中,我作为游泳馆的负责人员深刻体会到了该认证要以人为本的服务理念。此次认证促使我们把服 Beijing Jun Wangfu Swimming Hall is a fitness gymnasium named “2008 Olympic Champion Club” by the Beijing Municipal Government. It is located in the west of the county government buildings and covers a total area of ​​12,000 square meters. The venue is designed and constructed In strict accordance with international standards. The hall has an international standard of 50m × 25m swimming pool and children’s pool each one and accommodate more than 400 spectators at the same time stands. Since April 2006, the county palace swimming pool began to carry out the sports service certification, to February 6, 2007 swimming pool successfully passed the certification audit. In the practice of this work, as a responsible person of the swimming pool, I deeply understand that this certification requires people-oriented service concept. The certification prompted us to service
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