显党员本色 带群众共富

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我是农民专业合作经济组织——“万家兴”奶牛养殖合作社的社长。2000年,我们宰相庄村结合实际,摸索新时期农村经济改革发展的方向,通过民主决策,确定了“大力发展养殖业,带动村民增收致富”的经济工作思路,并制定了相应的鼓励政策和措施。我们村的许多村民也想通过发展养殖业来致富,但缺乏启动资金,没有养殖技术,所以大家一直都在观望,这项工作也就搁了浅。当时,我在怀建集团第九分公司任项目经理,有一份不错的收入。知道这一情况后,我是看在眼里,急在心里。我觉得,随着人民生活水平的提高,饮食结构的变化,发展养殖业应该是个方向,是个大有作为的天地。同时,自己是党员,不能看着身边的群众致富无门,发展无着,应该站出来,带个头,挑起这个担子。几经考虑,我毅然辞去工作,回到村里,开始 I am a farmer professional cooperative economic organization - “Wan Jiaxing ” dairy farming cooperatives president. In 2000, according to reality, our prime minister Zhuang Village explored the direction of rural economic reform and development in the new era. Through democratic decision-making, we determined the economic work train of thought for “vigorously developing aquaculture and boosting the villagers’ income and becoming rich” and formulated corresponding encouragement policies And measures. Many villagers in our village also want to get rich through the development of aquaculture. However, due to a lack of funds for start-up and lack of farming technology, we have been waiting and seemingly wavering about this work. At that time, I was pregnant with the ninth branch of the Group as project manager, have a good income. Know this situation, I see in the eyes, anxious in my heart. I think that with the improvement of people’s living standard and changes in diet structure, the development of aquaculture should be a direction and a great undertaking. At the same time, he is a party member. He can not watch the masses around him get rich and have no development. They should stand up and take the lead in provoking this burden. After considering, I resolutely resigned from work, back to the village, began
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