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河南是个人口大省,又是个农业大省,人均水量和亩均水量只相当全国的1/5和1/6,水资源严重不足。其中,农业用水占总量的很大比例。随着社会主义经济的发展,人民的生活质量不断提高,工业用水和生活用水量大大增加,水资源问题已经逐渐成为制约经济继续发展的重要问题。但是,我省农业灌溉用水量大,效率低下和溉灌用水浪费的问题仍普遍存在,使得原本就缺少的水资源更加匮乏。因此,实施节水灌溉战略已经迫在眉睫。 Henan is a big province with a large population. It is also a major agricultural province with a per-capita water amount and per-mu averaged only 1/5 and 1/6 of that of the entire country. There is a serious shortage of water resources. Among them, agricultural water accounts for a large proportion of the total. With the development of the socialist economy, people’s quality of life has been continuously improved, industrial water consumption and domestic water consumption have greatly increased, and the issue of water resources has gradually become an important issue that restricts the continuous economic development. However, the problems of large irrigation water use, low efficiency and waste of irrigated irrigation water are still widespread in our province, making the water resource scarcely lacking. Therefore, the implementation of water-saving irrigation strategy is imminent.
A new theoretical framework of tracer methods is proposed in the present contribution, on the basis of mass conservation. This model is applicable for both arti
燕山南部花粉散布特征研究表明 ,空气中的花粉反映的是植物花期的季节性变化 ;表土花粉是植物多年花粉散布的混合 ;冲积物花粉与空气中和表土花粉显著不同 ,是取样点上游表土花粉的混合 ,与取样点周围植被关系较小。因此 ,根据冲积物花粉恢复古植被 ,反映的是整个流域的植被面貌 ,而不是某一点的植被特征
以纤维素(棉花)、氯酸钠、硫酸为原料,在投料比(物质的量比)为n(NaClO3):n(C6H10O5)n=20:1、硫酸浓度为5 mol/L,反应温度为90℃、反应时间为90 min的条件下,二氧化氯的产率可
关于原条各树种各种缺陷的规律,只要从量材设计时间工作加以认真摸索,经过反复实践,可以掌握规律。 As for the law of various defects of the original tree species, as
Miocene marl is the most widespread Tertiary stratigraphic record in the northern Tibet Plateau, termed the Wudaoliang Group in the Hoh Xil region and the corre
文章通过对樟子松种子、幼苗生物学特性的大量观测实践和研究,总结出樟子松种子处理、幼苗培育和病虫害防治的育苗技术。 Through a large number of observation and pract