
来源 :中国职业技术教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhongqiangcumt
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校企合作、工学结合是职业教育改革与发展的方向,高职教育虽然在校企合作方面取得了一定的效果,但从整体上讲,校企双方并没有建立起实质性的运行体系和长效机制,这一点在当前经济危机的冲击下得以显现。面对持续的就业压力,高职院校应主动变危机为机遇,大力推进校企合作,拓宽校企合作的渠道和范围,构建合作双赢机制,共同应对当前危机。 The cooperation between school and enterprise and the combination of work and study are the orientation of the reform and development of vocational education. Although higher vocational education has achieved some results in the cooperation between school and enterprise, on the whole, both the school and the enterprise have not established a substantive operation system and long Effective mechanism, which is under the impact of the current economic crisis to be apparent. In the face of continuing employment pressure, higher vocational colleges should take the initiative to turn the crisis into opportunities, vigorously promote the cooperation between schools and enterprises, broaden the channels and scope of school-enterprise cooperation, build a win-win cooperation mechanism and jointly cope with the current crisis.
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