
来源 :中国医院院长 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ejianhuang
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大概因为在游泳池里泡得太久,小女儿的眼睛有些发红,曾经从事过护士工作的爱人让我到对面药店买支眼药水,并且特别交代说:“不要买别的,就1元钱一支的那种普通氯霉素眼药水!”可当我提出要买这种眼药水时,售货员一再表示没有这种药,只有电视上常做广告的那种滴眼液,价钱是9元8 Perhaps because the bubble in the pool for too long, the little girl’s eyes are a little red, the lover who once worked in a nurse allowed me to buy an eye drop opposite the pharmacy, and specifically said: “Do not buy anything else, just 1 yuan A kind of ordinary chloramphenicol eye drops!” When I proposed to buy this kind of eye drops, the salesman repeatedly said that there was no such drug, only the type of eye drops often advertised on TV, the price is 9 yuan 8
We studied the separation and recovery of copper(Ⅱ), nickel(Ⅱ), cobalt(Ⅱ), zinc(Ⅱ), and cadmium(Ⅱ) from magnesium and calcium, using synergistic solvent ex
4月份中国铝土矿进口下降76.6%  据中国海关统计,4月中国铝土矿进口总量为157.7万吨,同比减少76.6%,其中从澳洲进口矿石量为101.9万吨,同比降低23.4%,从多米尼加和印度进口矿石
Metalworking fluids(MWFs) are classified as hazardous substances. Due to the characteristics of the stable oil–water emulsions, it requires more costly and com
介绍一种用于 1 0位分辨率 ,40MHz采样频率流水线结构模数转换器中的全差分采样 -保持电路设计。该采样 -保持电路是运用电容下极板采样技术设计的 ,不仅有效地避免了电荷注
In the present paper, a metal–organic framework Cr-BDC was prepared and used as adsorbent for adsorption of o-nitrophenol(ONP) and p-nitrophenol(PNP) from aque
The main purpose of this work was the modification of NaX nanozeolite using copper oxide nanoparticles and various monovalent cations such as K~+, Cs~+, and Ag~
1-6月份中国进口铝土矿骤减  据中国海关统计,2013年1-6月中国共进口铝土矿1970.2万吨,同比下降39.6%,其中6月份进口292.8万吨,同比下降51.6%,与此同时进口铝土矿的单价也创下历