Optimizing forestry industrial structure based on the framework of rationalization, advancement and

来源 :生态经济(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chunyi19871225
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Under the target of the sustainable development, optimization of forestry industrial structure contains rationalization and advancement of forestry industrial structure in the traditional sense, as well as ecologicalization of forestry industrial structure. The connotation of optimization of forestry industrial structure is analyzed at first, and then the paper chooses the typical evaluation indexes from the three sides of rationalization, advancement and eco-logicalization to evaluate the current situation of the regional forestry industrial structure. With the aid of the theory of fuzzy mathematics and information entropy, the paper establishes a fuzzy evaluation model which is based on information entropy for optimization of forestry industrial structure, and the evaluation model is applied in the study for the current situation of forestry industrial structure from 2000 to 2006 in Hubei province. The results show that the grade of forestry industrial structure is bad basically during the research, of which the overall level of forestry industrial structure of Hubei province is poor, the degree of utilizing forest resource is lower, and ecological environ-ment in the forest region has been damaged to some extent. On this basis, the author presents the countermeasure to promote the optimization of forestry industrial structure.
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