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我原本以为对禅的彻悟,就是不论何时何地,都要有死的觉悟。但是仔细想来,这种想法实在大错特错。事实上是不论何时何地,都要有活下去的意志。——正冈子规穿过并不算繁盛的绿荫小道,便是她的家。已是耄耋之年的老人,常记不清自己的年龄,也想不起自己在这房子里住过了多久,只是闭上眼的时候,依稀还能看见年轻时大家一起在日本的样子。当年丈夫尚在,是大学老师,风华正茂,会在樱花烂漫的时节,大家一起赏花,也会像清末的 I originally thought that the understanding of Zen was to realize the consciousness of death whenever and wherever. But when you think about it, this idea is really wrong. In fact, there must be a living will whenever and wherever. - It is her home that the Masaoka child passes through a green path that is not prosperous. The old man, who is already in his second year, often cannot remember his own age. He cannot remember how long he has lived in the house. When he closes his eyes, he can still see the appearance of everyone in Japan when he is young. The husband was still in school. She was a university teacher. She was in her prime. She would enjoy the cherry blossoms.
学霸简介 丁彧,高中毕业于江苏省高邮中学,现就读于苏州大学社会学院档案与电子政务系。  核心理念 要想学好化学,不能仅停留在背诵概念的初级层面上,必须深度挖掘各个知识点。  学好化学,最便捷的方法就是学会看化学书。梳理清楚书本的框架,深度挖掘各大知识点,你会觅得另一番天地。  首先,要深度挖掘元素周期表,运用归纳法构建起一个完整的知识体系。  运用归纳法的目的,主要是归纳出各大知识点的相似之处和不
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南极大陆的水陆交接处,全是光滑的冰层或尖锐的冰凌,环境十分恶劣。笨重的企鹅既无前臂用以攀爬,也无翅膀用以飞翔,它们是如何上岸的呢?  纪录片《深蓝》告诉了我们答案:企鹅上岸前会猛地低头,从海面扎入海中拼命沉潜。它潜得越深,海水生成的浮力就越大,待潜到适当的深度,它再摆动双足迅速蹿出水面,腾空而起,最终平稳地落在陆地上,画出一道完美的弧线。  我看这个纪录片时已是高三下学期,当时我的数学模拟考成绩只
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