Modeling the influence of forced ventilation on the dispersion of droplets ejected from roadheader-m

来源 :International Journal of Mining Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ggooddII
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In order to reveal the influence of forced ventilation on the dispersion of droplets ejected from roadheader-mounted external sprayer,the paper studies the air-flowing field and the droplet distribution under the condition of gentle breeze and normal forced ventilation in heading face using the particle tracking technology of computational fluid dynamics(CFD).The results show that air-flowing tendency in the same section presents great comparability in the period of gentle breeze and forced ventilation,and the difference mainly embodies in the different wind velocity.The influence of ventilation on the dispersion of droplets is faint under the gentle breeze condition.The droplet can be evenly distributed around the cutting head.However,under the normal forced ventilation,a large number of droplets will drift to the return air side.At the same time,droplet clusters are predominantly presented in the lower part of windward side and the middle of the leeward side around the cutting head.In contrast,the droplet concentration in other parts around cutting head decreases a lot and the droplets are unable to form close-grained mist curtain.So the dust escape channel is formed.In addition,the simulation results also reveal that the disturbance of air flow on the droplet distribution can be effectively relieved when using ventilation duct with Coanda effect(VDCE).Field experiment results show that the dust suppression efficiency of total dust and respirable dust increases respectively by 10.5%and 9.3%when using VDCE,which proves that it can weaken the influence of airflow on droplet dispersion. In order to reveal the influence of forced ventilation on the dispersion of droplets ejected from roadheader-mounted external sprayer, the paper studies the air-flowing field and the droplet distribution under the condition of gentle breeze and normal forced ventilation in heading face using the particle tracking technology of computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The results show that air-flowing tendency in the same section presents great comparability in the period of gentle breeze and forced ventilation, and the difference mainly embodies in the different wind velocity. the influence of ventilation on the dispersion of droplets is faint under the gentle breeze condition. The droplet can be evenly distributed around the cutting head. However, under the normal forced ventilation, a large number of droplets will drift to the return air side. At the same time, droplet clusters are predominantly presented in the lower part of windward side and the middle of the leeward side around the cutting head. I n contrast, the droplet concentration in other parts around cutting head reduces a lot and the droplets are unable to form close-grained mist curtain.So the dust escape channel is formed. In addition, the simulation results also reveal that the disturbance of air flow on the droplet distribution could be effectively relieved when using ventilation duct with Coanda effect (VDCE). Field experiment results show that the dust suppression efficiency of total dust and respirable dust increases respectively by 10.5% and 9.3% when using VDCE, which proves that it can weaken the influence of airflow on droplet dispersion.
立春过后春季养生要顺应春天阳气生发,万物始生的特点,注意保护阳气,着眼于一个“生”字。据《本草纲目》记载,艾能“回垂绝元阳”,扶阳灸就是利用艾草这一点;“服之则走三阴而逐一切寒湿”,“灸之则透诸经而治百种病邪”。艾灸的独特的功效就是“灸”。  艾有参之功,参无艾之德  《神灸经论》记载:“夫灸取于火,以性热而至远,体柔而用刚,能清阴翳走而不守;善入脏腑,取艾之辛香做炷,能通十二经,入三阴理气血,以