率先垂范领头雁 创建文明小康村——记武汉市洪山乡卓刀泉村党总支

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位于武汉东湖之滨、伏虎山下的卓刀泉村,是个拥有1270余人、可耕地面积130余亩的城中之村。这里,公路纵横交错,大专院校、科研单位密布,村办企业生机勃勃,村民小“洋楼”错落有致,地理位置、人文资源十分丰富、优越,村民们过着富裕、安乐的小康生活。 改革开放前,卓刀泉村从事单一的农业生产,搞一点副业不但要当成资本主义尾巴来割,而且还要挨批挨斗。那时实行的是“以粮为纲,全面砍光”的政策,村民们只能靠微薄的收入维持最基本的生活,集体经济连年亏空。当时,作为村党支部书记的陈长全看在眼里,急在心中。他曾壮着胆子在不同场合多次说过,农业固然重要,但在确保农业生产的前提下,依靠本村的优势适当地发展一些副业,这样既可以壮大集体经济,增加积累,又可改善村民们的生活。他的提议虽然得到了村民们的拥护,但还是受制于当时的大气候,他的意愿终未能实现。 Located at the shore of Donghu Lake in Wuhan, Zhuodao Spring Village under Fuhu Mountain is a village in the city with more than 1270 people and 130 acres of arable land. Here, the highway criss-crosses, universities and research institutes are densely populated, village-run enterprises are vibrant, villagers have small “foreign flats” scattered, and their geographical location and cultural resources are very rich and superior. Villagers live a prosperous and comfortable life. Before the reform and opening up, Zhuo Daoquan village engaged in a single agricultural production, engage in a little sideline not only as a capitalist tail to cut, but also to endure battles. At that time, the policy of “taking grain as the key link and all round the light” was practiced at that time. The villagers can only rely on the meager income to maintain the most basic life and the collective economy is losing ground in successive years. At that time, Chen Changquan, secretary of the village party branch, was in the spotlight and was in my heart. He boldly said on many occasions on different occasions that although agriculture is important, under the precondition of ensuring agricultural production, some sideline businesses should be properly developed on the basis of the advantages of the village. This will not only strengthen the collective economy but also increase the accumulation and increase the villagers’ Their life. Although his proposal was favored by the villagers, his proposal was still subject to the prevailing climate and his wishes were ultimately failed.
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