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一九五八年陕西地区水稻上普遍而较严重的发生稻飞虱为害。陕西省农业技术调查团植保工作组分别在汉中、商雒、延安等三个专区专门对此类害虫进行了比较系统的调查访问,并初步摸出一些在本地区发生发展规律。稻飞虱这类害虫农民称它为“蟆蟆虫”,“蟩虫”,“蚁虫”,把它们所造成害状称为“火旋”,“火风”。在陕西省地区发生共有四种,其中以稻白背飞虱〔Sogata furc-itera H.〕为主要:此外汉中地区还有叶跳蝉(浮尘子)也同时加害水稻,特别是白翅叶蝉(Emposca Subrufa M.)虫口仅次于稻白背飞虱。稻飞虱在陕西地区还是种历史性的害虫。据老农谈,在清朝年间就已发生。此后,每年都有局部受害,商雒地区曾在1936年大发生一次,汉中地区的西乡、城固也在1955年个别地方造成稻田毁灭。但没有今年这样普遍发生而严重。一般发生地区水稻要损失1~3成,有上千亩的稻田整个被摧毁,造成个别地区在大跃进情况下的减产现象。今年稻飞虱大量发生与夏秋季连绵阴雨高温有极密切的关系。此外插秧期早的受害轻,迟的受害重;与品种生长期长短也有一定的关系,早熟品种受害轻,这也仅限于在同时插秧情况下而言;单纯的施用过多的氮肥,也会造成稻飞虱的为害;地势低窪的田是造成稻飞虱为害的有利条件,尤其是烂泥田(冷水田)受害更为明显。在稻飞虱发生时,各级党领导十分重视,大力发动群众进行防治,大大减轻为害程度。但由于事先缺乏虫情的预测,因此,还不夠及时,防治也不夠彻底,仍然造成难以弥补的损失。成为今年的严重教训。今后应加强预测预报工作,并彻底清除越冬寄主;适当提早插秧期,使插秧期不要拖得太长;加强田间管理,特别是水的控制和肥料种类配合施用;在稻飞虱发生时应想尽一切办法立郎予以扑灭。这些是为今后的防治途径。因为稻飞虱是今年在陕西地区大发生后,才引起人们的注意,所以还有许多值得今后继续调查研究问题,如越冬寄主,虫态、场所及生活习性,发生世代等。 In 1958, widespread and serious rice planthopper infestation occurred on rice in Shaanxi Province. Shaanxi Provincial Agricultural Technology Investigation Group Plant Protection Working Group in Hanzhong, Shanglai, Yan’an and other three special devoted to this kind of pests conducted a more systematic investigation and interview, and initially find out some of the law of development in the region. Pests such as planthoppers call it “frog”, “pinworm” and “ant” and call the harm they cause “fire whirlwind” or “fire wind.” There are four species in Shaanxi Province, of which Sogata furc-itera H. is the main one: In addition, leafhoppers (floating dust seeds) in Hanzhong area also harm rice, especially white-winged leafhopper (Emposca Subrufa M.) Insecta after the rice planthopper. Planthopper is also a kind of historic pest in Shaanxi Province. According to the old farmers talk about it, it happened during the Qing Dynasty. Since then, there have been some local victims every year. The Shangli area occurred once in 1936 and the Xixiang and Chenggu areas in Hanzhong also caused the destruction of paddy fields in some places in 1955. But not so widespread this year and serious. In general, rice will have to lose 1 to 3 percent of its total area. There will be destroyed thousands of acres of paddy fields, resulting in the reduction of output in some areas during the Great Leap Forward. A large number of planthoppers this year and summer and autumn have a very close relationship between rainy and hot. In addition, early planting seedling light, late victims of heavy; and the length of the growing season also have a certain relationship, precocious varieties of light damage, which is limited at the same time in the case of transplanting; simple application of nitrogen fertilizer, will Resulting in the damage of planthoppers; the low-lying fields are the favorable conditions for planthoppers infestation, especially in the fields of muddy fields (cold paddy fields). When planthoppers occur, the party leaders at all levels attach great importance to vigorously mobilize the masses for prevention and control and greatly reduce the degree of harm. However, due to the lack of a priori prediction of insects, it is not yet timely enough and prevention is not thorough enough, which still causes irreparable damage. Serious lesson of this year. In the future, the forecasting work should be strengthened and the overwintering host should be completely eliminated. When the pre-planting period is appropriate, the planting period should not be too long; the field management should be strengthened, especially the control of water and the type of fertilizer should be combined; Do whatever you can to extinguish it. These are the means of prevention and control for the future. Because planthopper was noticed until after this year’s large-scale occurrence in Shaanxi Province, there are many more worth investigating and researching in the future, such as overwintering hosts, insect states, places and living habits, and generations.
本研究工作表明枣粘虫性信息素为一元不饱和十二碳烯醇乙酸脂的多元体系。经触角电位和大田生测证明, E9 —— C12 :OA C +Z9——C12:OAC有强烈的诱蛾活性,在两者比例为8:2时
国内从未报道过的一种地粉蚧——柑桔地粉蚧 Geococcus citrinus Kuwana 1960—1965 年在福建初次发现。它属于同翅目,蚧总科,粉蚧科。当年我们在资料交流时把它暂名为柑桔
《语文新课程标准》指出:“写作是运用语言文字进行表达和交流的重要方式,是认识世界、认识自我,进行创造表达的过程。写作能力是语文素养的综合体现。写作教学应贴近学生实际,让学生易于动笔,乐于表达,应引导学生关注现实,热爱生活,表达真情实感。”由此可见,写作应是学生生活的需要,情感表达的需要,交流的需要。  一、注重观察生活,学会积累  叶圣陶先生说:“生活就如泉源,文章犹如溪水,泉源丰盈而不枯竭,溪水
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