
来源 :高中生之友 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lyaner
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一颗小苹果树译文:一个人在赶夜路时,突然从岩石上跌了下去,吓得他赶紧抓住了岩石上的树枝,因为他知道这一带有个深谷,一不小心就会跌人上千英尺的深渊。一晚上,他唯一能看到的就是深不见底的峡谷。他大呼救命,但只听到了自己的回音,没有人能听到他呼救。你可以想象一下他的处境和整晚的恐惧。死神随时都可能降临。他的手开始发凉,渐渐地抓不住了……当太阳升起的时候,他朝下看了看,笑了。下面压根就没有什么深渊。在他下 A small apple tree translated: a man in the night road, suddenly fell from the rock, scared he quickly grabbed the rocks on the branches, because he knew there is a deep valley, accidentally fell An abyss of thousands of feet One night he can only see is the bottomless gorge. He shouted for help, but he heard only his own reply. No one could hear him calling for help. You can imagine his situation and all night long fear. Death may come at any time. His hands began to get cold, gradually unable to catch up ... When the sun rises, he looked down and smiled. Underneath there is no abyss. Under him
原则一:放在句首或句末,常用逗号与主句隔开,原则上为非谓语动词作状语。具体如下:1.表示目的,原则上用不定式,有时会在其前面加上inorder或so as表示强调。例1 Simon made a
帕金森病的运动和非运动症状均对患者的日常生活能力和健康相关生活质量产生重要负面影响,但国内对非运动症状的重视尚欠不足,与国际相关研究差距较大。 目的:第一探讨帕金森
易错易混点11 How come?/How aboutHow come?意为怎么会……?,表示怀疑,不相信的语气;How about……怎么样?表提出建议考例13 ——I dont think Ill be able to go mountain-
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In liver haemangiomas, the risk of complication rises with increasing size, and treatment can be obligatory. Here we present a case of a 46-year-old female who
第一部分: 背景与目的:超过70%的肿瘤内科患者接受糖皮质激素的治疗,由此带来的不良反应也较常见。本研究目的:了解恶性肿瘤住院患者糖皮质激素的应用状况,探讨糖皮质激素在肿瘤