茶梅又名小茶梅,山茶科山茶属,是名贵花卉之一。因叶似茶,花如梅而得名。茶梅为常绿灌木,体态秀丽,叶形雅致,花色艳丽,花期长,自11月初开至翌年3月。茶梅树型娇小、枝条开张、分枝低,易修剪造型,适宜盆栽,是庭院、阳台、宾馆等理想的盆栽名花,观赏价值高,深受人们喜爱。一、生长习性茶梅性喜温暖湿润,喜光而稍耐阴,忌强光,属半阴性植物。宜生长在排水良好、富含腐殖质、湿润、微酸性土壤,pH 值在5.5~6为宜,
Tea, also known as small tea, Camellia Camellia, is one of the expensive flowers. Because leaves like tea, flowers such as plum named. Camellia is evergreen shrubs, beautiful, elegant leaves, beautiful colors, long flowering period, opened in early November until March the following year. Tea plum petite, branches opened, low branches, easy to trim shape, suitable for potted plants, gardens, balconies, hotels and other ideal potted flowers, ornamental value, loved by the people. First, the growing habits of tea plum hi warm and humid, hi light and slightly shade, avoid glare, is a semi-negative plants. Should grow well in the drainage, rich in humus, moist, slightly acidic soil, pH value of 5.5 to 6 is appropriate,