“身心健康” 我们也想做直销

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直销法规出台的日子越来越近,一些媒体“中国直销的春天来临了”的呼声越来越高,想搭上“直销”这班车的企业也越来越多,业界人士曾保守估计国内目前的转型直销企业和潜在直销企业有6,000多家。但是,这些企业中到底有多少是怀着理性的心态进入这一行业,有多少是想长久地在这一行业中规范发展下去的呢?因为我国对直销业的开放,让许多企业,特别是保健品企业产生了一种误解,以为直销是让企业走出困境的一剂灵丹妙药,而忽视了对自身“硬件”设施的提升。另外,由于“地方保护主义”等原因,我国东北地区已经成为了非法传销的重灾区,以至于现在业界一听到某直销公司是在东北开盘的,第一反应就是“又是一家‘老鼠会’”。这样的偏见显然不利于企业良性成长。也不利于有效“疏导”直销行业走向正途。因此,当接到哈尔滨“身心健康”的邀请时,记者是抱着一种考查求实的心态前往黑龙江的。 8月10日,记者来到了位于哈尔滨市道外区北十道街23号“身心健康”大厦的“身心健康”机构,并对其“掌门人”张德军、进行了采访: The promulgation of direct sales regulations approaching the day, some media, “China’s spring is coming,” the voice is getting higher and higher, want to catch “direct sales” of the bus more and more businesses, the industry has a conservative estimate of the current domestic More than 6,000 direct and potential direct sales companies are in transition. However, how many of these enterprises enter the industry with a rational mindset and how many of them want to long-term standardize their development in this industry? Because our country’s opening up of the direct selling industry has enabled many enterprises, especially the Health care products companies have a misconception that the direct marketing is a panacea for companies out of the woods, while ignoring the upgrade of their own “hardware” facilities. In addition, due to “local protectionism” and other reasons, the northeastern region of our country has become the hardest hit by illegal pyramid schemes. As a result, when the industry heard that a direct selling company opened its business in the northeast, the first reaction was that “another rat society ’”. This bias is clearly not conducive to the healthy growth of enterprises. Is not conducive to effectively “divert” the direct selling industry to the right path. Therefore, when receiving the invitation of “physical and mental health” in Harbin, the reporter went to Heilongjiang with a realistic attitude. On August 10, the reporter came to the “body and mind” institution of “Mind and Body Health” building located at No. 23 North 十十 街, Daowai Dist., Harbin, and interviewed Zhang Dejun, the head of the organization.
图形芯片市场一波未平一波又起,还没有哪一家公司的产品能够在市场上统治半年以上。在图形芯片领域耕耘多年的 Graphical chip market wave after wave of ups and downs,
自从有了人类社会,人与鬼的情缘就从未了断。所不同的是,在农业社会,鬼多半存在于传说和想象中无形无影,今天的鬼在电影里有形有声;过去人们谈鬼是为敬鬼避邪,今天看鬼却是为了散心寻刺激;过去的鬼来源于文化传统,现在的鬼却产生于商人的灵感——在一个消费社会,鬼已经成了一种生财的买卖了  亚洲的鬼魂正在全球的影坛游荡。    最令人恐怖的鬼魂就住在东京市郊的那座著名凶宅。当年,那间屋子的男主人一天夜里突然狂