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近年来,很少看到好的、能吸引观众眼球的科普影视作品,科普节目收视率低下,节目在编排上也趋于边缘。尽管有不少专家学者为之呐喊助威,科普影视作品却始终摆脱不了其尴尬的境地。作为科技声像工作者,我们有责任反思过去,探索未来。 In recent years, seldom seen good science movies and TV shows that attract the attention of the audience, low ratings of popular programs, and the programs also tend to be at the edge of the layout. Although there are many experts and scholars cheer cheer, popular science and television works have always been unable to get rid of its embarrassing situation. As a techno-audio worker, we have the responsibility to reflect on the past and explore the future.
CHINAMONEY:What is your definition of the Asian bond market?Is this a market geographically confined to the East Asian region? Rhee:A narrowest definition of a
目的:  本研究旨在评估线粒体单倍型M和N特定多态性对中国南方温州地区宫颈癌流行性的作用。  方法:  在温州中心医院从2013年1月到12月之间住院的150名无关联的宫颈癌
In lung CT images, the edge of a tumor is frequently fuzzy because of the complex relationship between tumors and tissues, especially in cases that the tumor ad
第一部分 高脂饮食诱导的肥胖易感和肥胖抗性大鼠血清中钙调节激素水平的差异 目的:制备肥胖大鼠模型,探讨高脂饮食诱导下的肥胖易感(obesity-prone,OP)与肥胖抗性(obesity-resi
彩带飘飘,鲜花簇簇,鼓乐鸣奏,人头攒动;领导讲话,金剪翻飞,又一届技术交易会开幕了…… Ribbon fluttering, clusters of flowers, drums and music, full of people; leade
目的:测定胃癌组织中Bag-1、Bcl-2基因及增殖细胞核抗原(PCNA)的表达,探讨Bag-1与后两者之间的关系。 方法:应用免疫组织化学方法检测60例胃癌标本及10例正常胃粘膜组织中Bag