黑龙江省草地螟(Loxostege sticticalis)发生规律、预测预报及综合防治研究(1981-1985年)

来源 :病虫测报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunyiyuki
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一、发生情况自70年代以来,草地螟在我省曾三次严重发生,第一次是1979年,第二次是1980年,第三次是1982年。1979年在嫩江、黑河、绥化三个地区9个县发生,受害面积110万亩。1980年扩大到嫩江、黑河、绥化、松花江,伊春等五个地区的38个县、市,发生面积达1,370万亩。1982年是特大发生年,南自松花江、北至黑龙江、东起乌苏里江、西到嫩江沿岸普遍发生,有八个地区,67个县,市遭受为害,发生面积达5,876万亩,比大发生的1980年增加三倍多。除为害农田外,还为害林木150万亩,比1980年增加30多倍。 First, the occurrence Since the 1970s, meadow borer three serious occurrences in our province, the first is 1979, the second is 1980, the third is 1982. In 1979 in Nenjiang, Heihe, Suihua three areas occurred in nine counties, the affected area of ​​110 hectares. In 1980, it expanded to 38 counties and cities in five areas of Nenjiang, Heihe, Suihua, Songhua River and Yichun, with an area of ​​13.7 million mu. 1982 was an extraordinary year. From the Songhua River in the south, to the Heilongjiang River in the north, the Ussuri River in the east, and the Nenjiang River in the west, eight counties and 67 counties and cities suffered the damage. The area was 58.76 million mu The number of occurrences in 1980 increased more than threefold. In addition to damaging farmland, it also harms 1.5 million mu of trees, an increase of more than 30 times that of 1980.
用昆虫生命统计学方法研究了棉花叶螨[Tetranychus pacificus]的生物学特性。以棉花为寄主,在29℃实验条件下,平均雌成螨的寿命为8.68天,产卵期为7.76天,卵到成螨的生存率为8
杨圆蚧Quadraspidiotus gigas(Thiem et Gerneck)发生期测报的研究是进行科学管理的基础研究,到目前为止,关于发生期测报研究的比较少,为此,我们从1984年—1986年对杨圆蚧发
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葡萄霜霉病(Grapevine downy mil-dew)是一种危害性很大的病害,在我国葡萄产区多有发生,在新疆尚未见报道.1987年霍城县葡萄发生此病.至9月发病面积约占全县葡萄面积1396亩的