Today’s increasingly competitive press market is undoubtedly a very attractive and vivid visual communication expression. It plays a decisive role in changing the traditional face of the newspaper, highlighting the media publicity and highlighting the unique charm of the news. In other words, whether or not a newspaper breaks away from the traditional mode of running a newspaper is an important indicator of its importance and utilization of the picture, that is, whether or not it sticks to the principle of “excellent pictures and pictures and two wings flying together.” As a prefectural newspaper, how to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all parties so that news pictures can be completely liberated from the subsidiary status of “supplementary writing, embellishment, active and beautification layout” and publish some excellent visual impact This is not only a wise choice to conform to the psychological needs and aesthetic taste of modern readers, but also an effective way and a fundamental way for newspapers to create “selling points” by using news pictures in the new era.