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兔灌胃茵栀黄3天,可加速注入的非结合胆红素自血浆排泄;苯巴比妥灌胃3天可产生类似的作用,但较弱。给大白鼠腹腔内注射茵栀黄或苯巴比妥3天,并结扎其胆总管,茵栀黄或苯巴比妥处理的动物其间接胆红素水平较对照组为低,而肝胆红素含量和血浆直接胆红素水平增高。提示菌栀黄和苯巴比妥具有相同的降低血清间接胆红素的作用。 The rabbits were treated with Yin Zhi Huang for 3 days, which accelerated the infusion of non-conjugated bilirubin excreted from the plasma; phenobarbital administered for 3 days could produce a similar effect but weaker. Intraperitoneal injection of Yinzhihuang or phenobarbital into rats was performed for 3 days, and the common bile duct was ligated. The ratio of indirect bilirubin in the animals treated with Yinzhihuang or Phenobarbital was lower than that in the control group. Content and plasma direct bilirubin levels increased. It is suggested that bacterioside yellow and phenobarbital have the same effect of reducing serum indirect bilirubin.
SrTiO 3 capacitor varistor multifunction ceramics is fabricated by a single sintering process. The research is carried out, mainly aimed at the influence of
从平贝母(Fritillaria ussuriensis Maxim)地上茎叶中分离到一种新的甾体皂甙,经红外光谱、质谱、核磁共振和制备衍生物的分析证明为24α-羟基署蓣皂甙元-3-O-α-L-鼠李吡喃
笔者十年来运用麻黄附子细辛汤加减治疗原发性周围性面神经麻痹132例,均收到满意效果,介绍于下: 一、一般资料男性38例,女性94例;发病一周以内者78例,一至二周者38例,二周以
肾茶(Clerodendranthus spicatus)为唇形科肾茶属植物。由于雄蕊酷似猫的胡鬚,故又有猫鬚草之称。美丽的轮伞花序在主茎及分 Clerodendranthus spicatus is a plant belong
药材“布丝”(日本名Busni)为乌头(Aconitum carmichaeli Debeaux)根早已作为改善低能代谢之用。最近Konno等已证实一种乌头水提物对小鼠的降血糖活性,并分离出称为乌头糖A,
The influence of a gradient interlayer on the residual stress and cracking in TiN thin films was studied as a function of the thickness of gradient interlayer.