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在国际旅游业中,旅游客源市场是旅游业赖以生存和发展的前提条件,特别是随着世界旅游业的迅猛发展,争夺客源、不断开拓旅游客源市场已成为国际旅游市场竞争的焦点。因此,必须重视对国外旅游客源市场的调查、分析和预测。 一、昆明国外旅游客源市场的发展变化 昆明地区的国际旅游业起步较早,但发展十分缓慢。从1956年中国国际旅行社昆明分社成立,开始有组织地接待国外游客开始,到1977年的30年中,昆明市累计接待了国外游客8000多人,平均每年仅有270人左右。 1978年改革开放以后,昆明以其历史文化名城的丰姿、风光漪丽的自然景色、得天独厚的气候条件,丰富多彩的民族风情,以及面向东南亚、南亚的沿边区位优势,吸引了成千上万的国外游客,不断拓宽国 In the international tourism industry, the tourist market is the prerequisite for the survival and development of the tourism industry. Especially with the rapid development of the world tourism industry, it has become the competition in the international tourism market to compete for tourists and open up tourist markets focus. Therefore, we must pay attention to the investigation, analysis and forecast of the tourist markets abroad. First, the development and changes in Kunming’s foreign tourist market Kunming region of international tourism started earlier, but the development is very slow. From the establishment of China International Travel Service Kunming Branch in 1956 and the beginning of organized reception of foreign tourists, by the year 1977, Kunming has totally received over 8,000 foreign tourists, only about 270 per year on average. After the reform and opening up in 1978, Kunming, with its abundance of historical and cultural cities, its natural scenery, its unique climatic conditions, its rich and colorful ethnic customs and its edge advantages in Southeast Asia and South Asia, has attracted tens of thousands of Foreign tourists, continue to broaden the country
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