引滦枢纽工程是国内大型跨流域引水工程。它由潘家口水利枢纽、大黑汀水利枢纽和引滦枢纽闸三部分组成,水库总库容32.67亿立方米,电站总装机45.16万千瓦(含抽水蓄能机组)。工程自1981年投入运行以来,已累计供水162亿立方米,发电24亿度,取得了显著的经济效益及社会效益,为津唐地区国民经济的发展、为天津市工业生产平均每年以9%的速度增长,为滦河下游农业在几十年一遇的大旱中获得了丰收,起着重要作用。 工程效益的充分发挥,在于良好的管理。如何使管理工作走出了自己的路,我们的做法主要有以下几方面:
The Luqiao Project is a large-scale trans-basin diversion project in China. It consists of three parts: Panjiakou Water Control Project, Daheiting Hydro Project, and the Luerti Hub Lock. The total reservoir capacity is 3.267 billion cubic meters, and the total installed capacity of the power station is 451,600 kilowatts (including pumped-storage units). Since the project was put into operation in 1981, it has accumulated 16.2 billion cubic meters of water supply and 2.4 billion kWh of power generation. It has achieved remarkable economic and social benefits. It is the development of the national economy of Tianjin-Tang area, and it is 9% for Tianjin’s industrial production. The speed of growth has played an important role in achieving a bumper crop in the lower reaches of the Weihe River. The full benefit of engineering benefits lies in good management. How to make management work out of its own path, our approach mainly has the following aspects: