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  美国西海岸有一段绵延千里的海岸线,尤以“十七英里”最为闻名遐迩。平缓的沙滩、陡峭的岩壁、茵茵的草坡、茂密的生态林,驰骋期间,胜景如画,令人身心俱适。待你转入一条小路,进入悠悠的卡梅尔山谷(Carmel Valley),穿过一片生机勃勃的葡萄园,又会霎时发现“柳暗花明又一村”的别样景致——欢迎来到贝尔纳都斯水疗酒店(Bernardus Lodge & Spa)。

  T he US west coast is famous for its thousands of miles of coastline, especially the "17-Mile Drive." There are gentle sandy beaches, steep cliffs, lush grass and forest, picturesque beach scenery. It is soothing both physically and mentally. Walking through the Carmel Valley and a vibrant vineyard, we finally arrived at Bernardus Lodge & Spa.
  By the front door, two stoves of fire were glowing, cordial and warm as the doorman's smiles. The hotel is located in the valley of the Pacific West Bank, where the temperature difference between day and night is still huge. The warm stove fire is everywhere in the outdoor area, lobby, restaurant and guestroom, creating a holiday atmosphere. In the outdoor bar, you can hear the crackling sound of wood burning from the flames, surrounded by people drinking and chatting, accompanied by mellow jazz music and starlight. At this time, silence prevails.

  Los Angeles-based architectural/design firm ARYA Group, Inc., renowned for its high-concept celebrity residential portfolio, is credited with turning imagination to reality with a rustic-chic ranch estate concept. Clean contemporary lines and warm tones reflect the property's new aesthetic with rich Italian stonework, mosaic tiles, grass cloth, French oak floors and chandeliers gracing public spaces. With an eye to maximizing its natural surroundings, walls have been replaced with invigorating vineyard views, new outdoor fireplaces have been created and an alfresco dining terrace is now featured. Guestrooms reveal a residential feel with custom furnishings and dream baths for two.   Reflecting Bernardus' inherent hedonistic spirit and soothing soul, interiors are set in neutral tones of olive leaf, charcoal and oyster. Oxidized copper and seagrass accents are matched with punches of aqua and green lichen. Patterns and textures play large roles in the guestrooms with rich hand-knotted rugs, oversized Strathmore chairs, mercury glass chandeliers and antique hand-hewn reclaimed wood accents. Plush silver headboards and contemporary art combined with wrought-iron mirrors, limestone fireplaces and dining room tables deliver a ranch-style feel with an understated casual elegance. The oversized private garden patios, feather beds, Frette linens, complimentary Bernardus wine bar and pantry and twice-daily housekeeping service round out the amenities.
  贝尔纳都斯水疗酒店采用低矮建筑风格,外墙粉刷了具有泥土气息的褐红色和土黄色,花池由天然的淡黄色石材砌筑。57间客房散落于绿树之间,每间都设有庭院或露台。室内地板和家具呈现天然的木质纹理。即便一只小茶几,厚木板的台面及粗铁艺的桌腿貌似拙朴,其实构件的结合颇具匠心。墙上挂画绘不尽树林美景,散发着浓浓的大自然气息。入夜,伴着炉火啵啵声和流水淙淙声入眠;晨间,最好忘掉morning call吧,等着被树叶沙沙声和欢快鸟鸣声唤醒,然后披起睡衣,坐在自家露台上享用早餐,美味、美景皆在怀。

  The hotel building is not more than two floors, exterior walls painted with earthy maroon and khaki colors. Pond is crafted by natural yellowish stone masonry. 57 rooms scattered among the trees, and each has a patio or terrace. Interior flooring and furniture represent the natural wood grain. Even a small coffee table, its thick surface and wrought iron legs show the flair of simplicity. Wall paintings were views of endless woods, exuding the deep breath of nature. At night, accompanied by the sound of water gurgling and fire burning, you fall into deep slumbers. In the morning, it is best to forget morning call and be woken up by the leaves rustling and cheerful birdsong, then get ready to slip into your pajamas, and enjoy your breakfast with a view on the terrace.
  Though there are many sports and recreational activities to do both inside and near the hotel, Spa is still the main attraction of this hotel. Certain five-star hotels in the city may offer a larger space, but you will have the answer once you see the white birch forest and hear the Californian wind blowing through the vineyards.
  Wine Temptation
  贝尔纳都斯水疗酒店所在的卡梅尔山谷气候极有利于葡萄生长。据说,连著名Napa Valley葡萄园的种子也来源于此。故而,在此入住的另一项必不可少的活动就是品酒。客人一进入酒店大堂,前台经理即奉上半杯白葡萄酒;走进客房,还有一整瓶葡萄酒可供免费享用。客房内茶几上的不锈钢酒瓶架也极具特色。沿着酒店旁边的小路向山谷深处行驶两公里,散落着十八家品酒室。酒廊的帅哥按照由浅入深的口味顺序斟酒,神采飞扬地与宾客交流品尝后的感受,再依据宾客喜好调整到最爱口味。一起品酒的住客虽是初识,但却如同故旧,笑容在每个人的脸上如花绽放。   上菜的服务生特别自豪地告诉我:盘里的这朵紫花是刚从我们花园里采摘的。那一刻,我特别感动。这就是传说中的来自有机厨房花园的“花园——餐桌”体验!这才是真正的度假!这里,贴近大自然的怀抱,享受亲人般的呵护,和陌生而热情的朋友交流,体验视觉、听觉、味觉和肢体的全方位清新浪漫的洗礼,对于都市里每天上满发条疾走奔突的人来说,这难道不是一种奢侈么?!

  The hotel is located in Carmel Valley, where the climate is highly conducive to grape growing. It is said that even the famous Napa Valley vineyard seeds come from this. Therefore, the essential activity during the stay is wine tasting. Upon entering the hotel lobby, front desk manager will offer you half a glass of white wine; moreover, there is a whole bottle of wine for you to enjoy, free of charge. The stainless steel bottle rack on the coffee table is also a characteristic item in the room. Two kilometers along the path next to the hotel took you into the depths of the valley, scattered with 18 tasting rooms. The bartender served wines by the order of its strength, exchanging the experience with the guests. In such high spirits, everyone became old friends after a short but imtimate session.
  The waiter proudly told me: the purple flower on the plate was picked from their garden. At that moment, I was particularly moved. This is the legendary organic kitchen garden, providing authentic "garden to table" experience! This is a true holiday feeling! Here, you open yourself to the embrace of nature and enjoy the family-like care, exchange ideas passionately with stranger-turned friends. All in all, you indulge your senses fully in the experience, spend one second to think about the city scene, and you know instantly that this is true luxury!
Accor Hotels keeps spreading its wings with Banyan Tree deal  12月8日,新加坡悅榕集团宣布与雅高酒店集团达成战略合作协议,至此,雅高集团将以2400万新元的价格(约1690万美元)收购悦榕集团5%的股权,以强制性可转换债券的形式支付,此外,雅高还拥有收购额外5%股权的选择权。  交易完成后,悦榕集团将接入雅高全球预定和销售网,以及雅高
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‘Contemporary oasis’ of Grand Hyatt Sanya Haitang Bay  君悦酒店集团在海南省建立了一个当代渔村版海棠湾君悦度假村。由LTW设计公司受托设计公共区域,客房和套房,并参与设计酒店中的水疗中心和24小时餐厅,采用全景海景设计让您一览无际的白色沙滩。  受到当地特色的船屋社区的启发,酒店以开发当代渔村为建筑理念基础,LTW公司建造的绿洲唤起了海南不同民
近期,《酒店精品》与德国著名五金品牌“海福乐”合作于深圳和上海两地精心策划并举办了两场别开生面的设计大咖访谈会,引发业界对酒店设计的深思。  Recently, cooperated with H?fele, the well known German hardware brand, the Hotel Elite magazine organized two spectacular design
Mandarin Oriental, Asia Culture  位于圣奥诺雷街的巴黎文华东方酒店,距离卢浮宫及旺多姆广场仅数步之遥,四周林立着各大品牌的高级店铺,环绕着时尚的潮流气息。得天独厚的地理位置使得巴黎文华东方酒店集优雅奢华于一身。2011年开业的巴黎文华东方酒店共设有138间客/套房,酒店所有的室内设计均由Sibylle Margerie担纲。自1989年公司成立以来,25年间Siby
The Grand Salon – A Special Artistic Space  舒適的雅座、文学艺术的讨论、现场音乐……在沙龙里享受文艺的悠闲时光是巴黎的一大特色。诺林斯基酒店专门设计了一处沙龙,名为GRAND SALON,藏身于Brasserie Rejane餐厅的后面。厚呢子窗帘将喧嚣隔绝在外,沙龙主要采用壁灯和烛台照明,营造休闲的气氛。桌上摆放国际象棋和扑克牌,还有靠墙书架的图书供人
SPA NOLINSKI – The Value-added Design  水療如今已经成为五星级酒店的标配。长途跋涉的、飞国际航班的商旅人士需要水疗来缓解疲劳,倒倒时差,蜜月旅行的夫妻需要酒店提供更多附加价值,将水疗视为可以一起做的有意思的事。在水疗产品越来越同质化的情况下,设计成为提升水疗价值的重要手段,进而为酒店争取到更多客人。  诺林斯基酒店的水疗中心采用了来自瑞士的科丽妍(La Col
The NOLINSKI Paris,  The Upstart of Eclectic Aesthetics  自2013年决定进军奢華酒店业起,法国EVOK集团(EVOK HOTELS COLLECTION)瞄准国际化大都市的最优地段,与业界最具才华的设计师合作,致力于打造最具代表性的精品奢华酒店。巴黎诺林斯基酒店于2016年7月开业,即是EVOK集团的第一件杰作。尽管开业不久,却不见新酒店的