Near fields scattered by an underwater finite cylindrical baffle

来源 :Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wodeblog1
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In this work,acoustic vector characteristics of near fields scattered by an underwater finite cylindrical baffle are investigated theoretically and experimentally.The analytic expressions for the scattered pressure and particle velocity are derived using the elastic thin shell theory.Calculations are presented for the scattered near fields of the pressure,the particle velocity and the intensity.It is found that the pressure and the particle velocity fields near the surface of the cylindrical baffle are characterized by complex interference structure,particle velocity directions and the source bearings are not consistent.The phase difference between the pressure and the particle velocity is not zero and the intensity vector does not reflect the sound bearings.It can be noted that the distortions of the fields will make the original vector signal processing method based on the free space assumption be no longer applicable in the presence of the cylindrical baffle.These results can serve as a basis of the application for the acoustic vector sensor on board. In this work, the acoustic vector characteristics of near fields scattered by an underwater finite cylindrical baffle are covered theoretically and experimentally. The analytic expressions for the scattered pressure and particle velocity are derived using the elastic thin shell theory. Calculations are presented for the scattered near fields of the pressure, the particle velocity and the intensity. It is found that the pressure and the particle velocity fields near the surface of the cylindrical baffle are characterized by a complex interference structure, particle velocity directions and the source bearings are not consistent. The phase difference between the pressure and the particle velocity is not zero and the intensity vector does not reflect the sound bearings. It can be noted that the distortions of the fields will make the original vector signal processing method based on the free space assumption be no longer applicable in the presence of the cylindrical baffle.These results can serve as a basis of the application for the acoustic vector sensor on board.
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