鼓干劲 出主意 谋发展——省人大常委会组成人员热议我省当前经济形势

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7月29日,省第十一届人大常委会第十七次会议在听取了省发改委主任姚木根受省人民政府委托所作的关于2010年上半年国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况的报告后,进行了分组审议。审议中,常委会组成人员针对报告内容,结合此前召开的经济形势分析会上了解的情况,就如何保证今年年初省人大会议上确定的各项发展目标顺利完成,发表了意见。现将部分审议发言摘登如下。 On July 29, after the seventeenth meeting of the Eleventh National People’s Congress Standing Committee listened to the report on the implementation of the plan for national economic and social development in the first half of 2010 entrusted by the Provincial People’s Government to Yao Mugen, director of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, A group review was conducted. During the deliberations, the members of the Standing Committee made comments on how to ensure the successful completion of the various development goals set at the provincial people’s congress earlier this year, in the light of the contents of the report and the previous analysis of the economic situation held at the meeting. Part of the deliberations will now be summarized as follows.
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