变被动为主动 中山市积极做好防汛备汛工作

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中山市战胜“98·6”特大洪水之后,各地水患意识得到进一步增强,迅速掀起了大规模、讲实效的水利建设热潮,目前各级投入资金1.22亿元,共培修沿海堤围131.7km,维修加固水库、水闸36座,技改维修电排2.9万kW,共完成土石方364.9万m~3,混凝土7.7万m~3.为今年防汛抗洪奠定了坚实的基础。为变被动抢险为主动防洪,确保今年安全度汛,中山市防汛准备工作又认真做好“六抓”:一是抓指挥。针对镇区换届改选和一批新同志接任上岗,对全市各镇镇长、区办事处主任等行政首长开展了防汛抢险知识培训。二是抓队伍。全市27个镇区及4个市属单位相应成立了三防指挥部(所),根据人员变动调整补充了领导成员,并组织防汛抢险队伍共39376人。三是抓物资。全市已按省定要求储备防汛物料,共计砂1.67m~3,石3.4万m~3,编织袋61.6万个,救生衣1000 After the victory over “98.6” extraordinary flood in Zhongshan City, awareness of flooding in all parts of the country was further enhanced and a large-scale and effective water construction boom was quickly set off. At present, 122 million yuan has been invested at all levels to cultivate 131.7km of coastal embankments , 36 reinforced reservoirs and sluice gates, 29,000 kW technical maintenance and repairs, completed a total of 3,649,000 m 3 earthwork and 77,000 m 3 concrete, laying a solid foundation for flood control and flood fighting this year. In order to become a passive emergency rescue flood control to ensure the safety of floods this year, Zhongshan City, flood control preparations and conscientiously do a good job, “six arrested”: First, grasp the command. For the general election of the township re-election and a number of new comrades took the post, the town mayor of the city, district office director and other executive heads carried out flood prevention and rescue knowledge training. Second, grasp the team. The city’s 27 townships and 4 municipal units correspondingly set up the headquarters of the three defenses (the institute), supplemented the leadership members according to changes in personnel and organized a total of 39,376 flood control and rescue teams. Third, grasp the material. The city has been required by the provincial reserve of flood control materials, a total of sand 1.67m ~ 3, stone 34,000 m ~ 3, woven bag 616,000, lifejackets 1000
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