每年进入四月份之后,欧洲五大联赛都要迎来一个“白热化”阶段,随着联赛进入中后期并且接近尾声,众多强队们都忙着争冠,处在降级区的各支小旅都抢着捞分保级,一片繁忙的景象,惟独积分榜中游的球队不上也不下,在自己无忧无虑的同时左右别人的命运、看别人的笑话。 意甲迎来强强对话 在二月末到三月份的时间里,尤文图斯是最大的赢家,在冠军联赛中不但顺利出线,而且在联赛中还成功超越AC米兰,并且一度将差距拉大到8分,这也归功于AC
Each year into April, the five major European league are to usher in a “white-hot” phase, with the league into the late and nearing completion, many teams are busy champion, in the relegation zone of each small brigade grab Fishing reinsurance level, a busy scene, but only the middle reaches of the championship team is neither on nor below their own carefree about the fate of others while watching others jokes. Serie A ushered strong dialogue In the period from late February to March, Juventus is the biggest winner, not only in the Champions League qualifying, but also in the league successfully surpass AC Milan, and once the gap widened to 8 Points, thanks to AC